Plasti Dipping My 300 Tonight

I'm biting my tongue till I see them but knowing Ross, I think they'll look great.
His choices and mine are overlapping by about 49 percent. I vote for fail. ;)
Turned out great.

Will somebody please intervene and take that freaking dip equipment away from Ross before he starts dipping the interior. The house. The kids....
Jeezes, give a kid a new toy and...

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THAT IS NOT A COOL LOOKING, A BADASS, OR ANY OTHER ANYTHING looking wheel. It looks like a rubber coated wheel.

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Where are you gonna put it on next, your duck ? ;)
Well that car needed the '67/8 version of that wheel anyway...
joke fail Ross
Over my head....

By the way, guys, I LOVE the way they turned out. They were shitty beat up magnums & now they look awesome. I can't wait to get them back on the car.

What can I dip next?
Over my head....

By the way, guys, I LOVE the way they turned out. They were shitty beat up magnums & now they look awesome. I can't wait to get them back on the car.

What can I dip next?
It was my fail brother :)

I'm looking forward to seeing them on the car. Some of us have an open mind LOL