Please do the MATH for me. Leak down test results my 301 V-8 1957 Plymouth

Welding shops, sheet metal shops etc don't count. There's ONE that does machining for our old cars (Norm's) and knows what he's doing and he's backed up for months! Your search doesn't list him and is generic and out of date. A lot have zero reviews. Also, you can't chrome anything in this state. Gas is $5.00 a gallon and that's average. Inflation and draconian laws here. Been here all my life.
I say run it and run it hard for another 1000 miles and check it again, or not if it is running the way you want don't worry about it.

Can I ask why what led you to doing the leak down test?
Thanks. A tightly fluttering vacuum gauge and mid speed gyrating vibration, but we've been through the gauntlet on that on this forum.