Porter mufflers

They were very big in the glasspack and steelpack mufflers back in the fifties.

I don't like the drone from loud mufflers myself....
So you've heard these firsthand on a mopar, and they do have the drone?

They were very big in the glasspack and steelpack mufflers back in the fifties.

I don't like the drone from loud mufflers myself....

I've never been in a car w metal pack, videos like this leave a question in my mind as to the amount of drone if any.

Nothing like the sound of a pair of Porters! I love the old-style glasspack sound (the longer the mufflers, the more mellow the sound, BTW). They've been around since 1950, they are Made In The USA, and sound amazing! Porters and Smithy's (they are NOT "Smitty's!) are iconic hot rod and musclecar mufflers.

Drone is a function of several things - muffler placement and type, the length of the muffler, whether or not you have tailpipes, and do you have a crossover pipe (X- or H-pipe) installed? Headers play into the equation, too.
Nothing like the sound of a pair of Porters! I love the old-style glasspack sound (the longer the mufflers, the more mellow the sound, BTW). They've been around since 1950, they are Made In The USA, and sound amazing! Porters and Smithy's (they are NOT "Smitty's!) are iconic hot rod and musclecar mufflers.

Drone is a function of several things - muffler placement and type, the length of the muffler, whether or not you have tailpipes, and do you have a crossover pipe (X- or H-pipe) installed? Headers play into the equation, too.

Me too and the cackle is the best part for me .. only trouble with them is they burn out too fast but I still like them.

That truck looks and sounds great to me .. love his driveway and the house too actually

I don't now what the drone sound people talk about is but I'd like to hear it so I can identify with what they are talking about when they mention it
My car came with glass packs (full length stock looking dual exhaust with cross-over, the system was most likely installed in the 80s or 90s and then the car sat for 20 years). It has a major drone (loud resonance) at a narrow rpm range that makes it almost impossible to talk in the car when it's droning. The system is fairly quiet most of the time. I'd never had a car with such an irritating exhaust note inside the car.
That flat head sounds great idleing, the Chrysler sounds like crap....!

It's one thing to hear the exhaust note in the driveway, idleing and with a light rap. But going down the road, especially in a convertible, that cool note turns into a very irritating resonance. No talking .... no music..... no thanks.
At 60 I don't even want to know there's an engine running.
I know this will sound strange but the truth is, the best sound comes from having two different mufflers.
What sounds better on a musical instrument? One note or a chord?
So you've heard these firsthand on a mopar, and they do have the drone?

The last car I heard Porters on was a 53 Desoto with a 251 flathead six. It sounded.... well.... like a Desoto with glasspacks.

My description would not necessarily jive with your perception of the sound... and if you like the exhaust note is a personal thing. I didn't care for it, but it fit the car's personality.
"Drone" is the certain resonance that is achieved at a given speed and RPM that is quite annoying. It's pretty evident when it happens, and is different in every car with either a Magnaflow-style or a glasspack-style muffler. It is the point where the whole interior seems to reverberate with a tone that is very uncomfortable. That is "drone".

I personally find most Magnaflow and Flowmasters make anything they are attached to, sound like a damn '90s Mustang, and really do NOT like them. I like certain glasspack mufflers (they are all NOT the same!) and the old Walker-made Sonoflex mufflers that our Mopars had on them from the factory. They have a very unique sound. Listen to a car with a HEMI, a 440, or any V8 Dodge pickup from the mid-'60s to around 1972 that have the ORIGINAL dual exhaust system, or a correct replacement, and they sound wonderful!
Apparently, no one here understands what is "drone".
Reminds me of when you ask a minister who never drives over 35 mph why he bought his Kia Sorrento. "I like the way it handles". Handles? Seriously?
I've described "drone" perfectly, whaddya mean?? I don't understand drone?? You're losing your mind, Stan.

My point was "drone" is whatever the person perceives what drone is.

Besides, you described it. Nobody here can define it.
Drone noun. 1. Male honeybee2. constant hum- verb. 1. To hum 2. talk monotonously.

Res'o.nant ajt. 1. resounding 2. intensifying sound - res'o.nance noun.

I lean toward the second defination for the sound created by loud mufflers.
\ˈre-zə-nən(t)s, ˈrez-nən(t)s\noun: the quality of a sound that stays loud, clear, and deep for a long time
: a quality that makes something personally meaningful or important to someone
: a sound or vibration produced in one object that is caused by the sound or vibration produced in another

[h=2]Full Definition[/h]

a :the quality or state of being resonant
b (1) :a vibration of large amplitude in a mechanical or electrical system caused by a relatively small periodic stimulus of the same or nearly the same period as the natural vibration period of the system (2) :the state of adjustment that produces resonance in a mechanical or electrical system

a :the intensification and enriching of a musical tone by supplementary vibration
b :a quality imparted to voiced sounds by vibration in anatomical resonating chambers or cavities (as the mouth or the nasal cavity)
c :a quality of richness or variety
d :a quality of evoking response <how much resonance the scandal seems to be having — United States News & World Report>

:the sound elicited on percussion of the chest

:the conceptual alternation of a chemical species (as a molecule or ion) between two or more equivalent allowed structural representations differing only in the placement of electrons that aids in understanding the actual state of the species as an amalgamation of its possible structures and the usually higher-than-expected stability of the species

a :the enhancement of an atomic, nuclear, or particle reaction or a scattering event by excitation of internal motion in the system
b :magnetic resonance

:an extremely short-lived elementary particle

:a synchronous gravitational relationship of two celestial bodies (as moons) that orbit a third (as a planet) which can be expressed as a simple ratio of their orbital periods


\ˈre-zə-nən(t)s, ˈrez-nən(t)s\noun: the quality of a sound that stays loud, clear, and deep for a long time
: a quality that makes something personally meaningful or important to someone
: a sound or vibration produced in one object that is caused by the sound or vibration produced in another

Full Definition

a :the quality or state of being resonant
b (1) :a vibration of large amplitude in a mechanical or electrical system caused by a relatively small periodic stimulus of the same or nearly the same period as the natural vibration period of the system (2) :the state of adjustment that produces resonance in a mechanical or electrical system

a :the intensification and enriching of a musical tone by supplementary vibration
b :a quality imparted to voiced sounds by vibration in anatomical resonating chambers or cavities (as the mouth or the nasal cavity)
c :a quality of richness or variety
d :a quality of evoking response <how much resonance the scandal seems to be having — United States News & World Report>

:the sound elicited on percussion of the chest

:the conceptual alternation of a chemical species (as a molecule or ion) between two or more equivalent allowed structural representations differing only in the placement of electrons that aids in understanding the actual state of the species as an amalgamation of its possible structures and the usually higher-than-expected stability of the species

a :the enhancement of an atomic, nuclear, or particle reaction or a scattering event by excitation of internal motion in the system
b :magnetic resonance

:an extremely short-lived elementary particle

:a synchronous gravitational relationship of two celestial bodies (as moons) that orbit a third (as a planet) which can be expressed as a simple ratio of their orbital periods

What I said, only without the drone.
Nothing like the sound of a pair of Porters! I love the old-style glasspack sound (the longer the mufflers, the more mellow the sound, BTW). They've been around since 1950, they are Made In The USA, and sound amazing! Porters and Smithy's (they are NOT "Smitty's!) are iconic hot rod and musclecar mufflers. . . .

They will always be Smittys to me !