For Sale Power Antenna, Year Make Model?

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Seems we haven’t heard back from detmat and maybe he feels it’s settled since he indicated if it works he’ll buy it and it’s confirmed it’s not operable on a bench test. I am still infested. Let me know.
Seems we haven’t heard back from detmat and maybe he feels it’s settled since he indicated if it works he’ll buy it and it’s confirmed it’s not operable on a bench test. I am still infested. Let me know.
Still infested???:poke:
Well I wouldn’t go so far as to say that, there was no response to my last post which was the last post in the thread and I was hoping to continue the conversation on how to test the different motors. If he’s sure it doesn’t work then sprice is more infested than I am for it.:lol:
Detmatt- I'm sure it doesn't work. I tested it exactly how Ross suggested. I tested my window motors the same way. Negative terminal to body of window motor, positive terminal to connector, one wire at a time to check and see if it turns both ways.
I test my window motors the way the fsm says to do it. No questioning wether you’re making a good ground somewhere.
The antenna motor is tested differently as per the fsm in the second picture. Just posting these up in black and white.
I’ll pass on the antenna if it doesn’t work.

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