Old Man with a Hat
Anybody here that wants it can have it. Just ask....Oh, I see how it is.....
Anybody here that wants it can have it. Just ask....Oh, I see how it is.....
Not sure this will help with this particular issue,
The feed to the curcuit in my 69 is different then the earlier curcuit layout. (My 65 Dodge Coronet is like this). The switch and motor tests are all similar though.
My issue is with.... once all the tests show positive, and the motor still wont operate... what next...? Problem I have is with just one window motor, which is new and tests good on the bench.
I'm taking the car to a pro electrical shop tomorrow, Will let you know what turns up.
When trying to figure out in your head the schematic of these power window switches, refer to a house hold wiring diagram for wiring a light with two three way switches in series. Only double. one for UP and one for Down.
We tracked it down to the left rear window control button in the driver door gang switch.Any chance the new motor was wired backwards and you need to switch the geen and purple wires to change polarity? like it's shorting itself? BTW I have the same problem , on my right rear window. Old one worked a while, now same as you with new. John
It was making a contact for the power both up and down, which is why I was getting a signal both ways, but not allowing the ground to complete inside the switch.
It's not grounded.
You're going to have to trace the wire that your schematic shows as a the ground wire with a continuity tester.