i invented meself a new device today - the piston soaker 3000 (TM). it has 6" rubber fuel line on one end, connected to steel line, connected to a syringe, allowing me to do an engine high colonic.
stab teh rubber hose into the spark plug hole, fill, and wait, and then fill more.
...so, it sat a week soaking, then i turned it over, and soaked it another week. today it still was puking out lumps of black **** when i spun the motor, so i am gonna soak it again for another week.
im trying so hard to not take this motor out/apart. i hope i get there.
. . . . i still have the orig. dual snorkel and dist, but i went ahead and put an eddie 650 and mopar dist 850005 electronic ECU whatever the kit is, accel coil, and as mandatory Taylor 8mm wires.