Well-Known Member
Take 10 minutes. Things that make you go hmmm
If you watch the news enough you know why. To make the POTUS look bad and create mass hysteria and chaos among the populous!
“wages according to ones needs rather than ability” sounded very familiar.
This has been suggested, and it is very probable that this virus is a bio weapon. Some are theorizing that the CIA let the virus loose on the people of China after the failed attempt to destabilize that nation, others state that it is a Chinese plot to ruin the economies of rival countries, it depends which side you're on as to which theory you believe.Many fail to see this as a "Bio-War" action, of which it is! We are at War!!!! These people with the "Rectal Cranium" issue that are to blind to see this are the ones that need to be deleted from Earth!
This has been suggested, and it is very probable that this virus is a bio weapon. Some are theorizing that the CIA let the virus loose on the people of China after the failed attempt to destabilize that nation, others state that it is a Chinese plot to ruin the economies of rival countries, it depends which side you're on as to which theory you believe.
Why would China want to ruin our economy, since we buy all their crap and keep it going???
Makes no sense.
The one thing you need to look at here is Spain and Italy. They may be far off countries that will fit into a corner of the US but there are now 1000 people DYING per day!
Why would China want to ruin our economy, since we buy all their crap and keep it going???
Makes no sense.
Lets put things in better ( puts tin hat on).
First off China sells to a lot of people. We buy their cheap consumer goods, from auto parts to xylophones. But so do other nations, who also buy oil, which we don't.
This will read like a B sci fi movie but what the heck.
A lab uses the components found in Bat meat, which when induced into humans creates the virus
Next, the scientists intend on making A: a cure and B: a vaccine which they can sell at their price. Note: China makes 99% of OUR medicines....that's right!
Here's where it gets movie like.
They start mutating the virus to make it last longer and hit harder but...
those involved needed humans to see how long the virus stays on surfaces. It has been stated that the virus itself will last up two weeks on rubber and stainless steel. Think about that while your wife is fondling her brand new pots and pans, or if you remove your shoes by hand.
By some error or fluke, or perhaps intent, the virus is leaked into the chinese populace to test the results*. The problem is, the monster ran wild and went on a killing spree.
The chinese had not developed their cure or vaccine, and now their people are dropping like flies. No problem, go to plan B...shut down the plants that make our products and cut the supply off, raising prices and tanking economies. Revenge for Trumps tariffs.
But the scientists still haven't got a way to stop it. But they are rushing to solve the issue and look like heros. It may be too late...the world and the US is working as quickly.
Can the monster be stopped in time?
We'll have to wait for the sequel.
Ps: *Someone will ask why would the Chinese government sacrifice their people? History shows they're quite willing to. In Korea, Mao sent over 2 million troops into the South. The US figures they killed over 400,000 and as many were wounded. Many more died from exposure.
Doesn't even include the cultural cleansing...
So we get back to the deliberate misinformation put out by the media, that includes the apparent complete lockdown of Italy, when it appears that this is not the case at all. This virus is no different to the influenza virus in that its victims are primarily old and/or sick people, so why the need to shut down schools and businesses and adopt such draconian rules?
Why single out Wal Mart?
Everyone else gets their stuff from the same place.
A man who gets it!Because that post was simpleton cut/paste crap from the internet.