Question about 2-cycle oil additive and spark plug color


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2022
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
So upon the advice of some here at FCBO, I've been using 2-cycle marine oil as an additive to my gas at 1oz:5 gal of 91 non-ethanol gasoline. While dealing with my distributor malfunction and troubleshooting the entire ignition system, I found my spark plugs were quite brown and glazed (making me think I had a misfire from the plugs).

I've changed the spark plugs out, and now I think maybe I shouldn't use the 2-cycle marine oil as an upper end lubricant, since it seems to cause a glazing of the insulator.

What are your thoughts?

I first read of using synthetic 2-stroke oil in a gas engine in another forum. It talked about how much better things ran, after the initial clean-up period, and about 2 more mpg on a 1990s V-8 engine. Nothing was mentioned about spark plug ceramic color or mis-fires. Using the stated concentration on the side of the container.

With the new plugs, you might cut the concentration in half and see how things go. If no issues, then you might get back more toward your existing concentration.

In the 1960s, when the original Gulf Oil Company sold "Top Oil" in a small can, nobody mentioned anything about plug ceramic color, either. One guy commented that when he was in the Army, he'd use it to shine-up his Jeep for inspection. He said it worked great for that.

Just some thoughts,
Oil lowers the octane of the gasoline. Don't know if it will do,it is low concentration.

I won't use it. I have read about it, many like it. I don't see the need for oil in the fuel of a 4 stroke engine.
Oil lowers the octane of the gasoline. Don't know if it will do,it is low concentration.

I won't use it. I have read about it, many like it. I don't see the need for oil in the fuel of a 4 stroke engine.
I was told it was to replace lead as an upper-end lubricant
Modern 2 cycle oils have Teflon in them which helps lubricate the valve train. At the mixture settings that you are using, it is unlikely that there is enough additive to cause plug issues. Run the new plugs for a a couple of thousand miles and check the condition. If they glaze up again with your distributor problem solved, you can assume the 2 cycle oil is the likely culprit. I have been using a similar concentration for years without issues but I am running ethanol free fuel.

I’ve been using the marine 2 cycle for over 10 years and 30k miles on my classics without any problems whatsoever. I never started using it to replace lead but to combat the negative effects of the f*#king ethanol.
I would do a run without the oil add for a few tanks, check plugs to make sure your valve seal or guides are not the reason for the contamination. If all clear, then start with the mix and check again after another couple of tanks.
Modern 2 cycle oils have Teflon in them which helps lubricate the valve train. At the mixture settings that you are using, it is unlikely that there is enough additive to cause plug issues. Run the new plugs for a a couple of thousand miles and check the condition. If they glaze up again with your distributor problem solved, you can assume the 2 cycle oil is the likely culprit. I have been using a similar concentration for years without issues but I am running ethanol free fuel.

I am also running ethanol free. Thanks for your insights. I'm going to a couple of tanks of gas with no 2 cycle oil at all and see if it's a carb issue first. If nothing, I'll go back to adding it in and watch the color. Thank you!
Because I run hardened seats on the classics I probably wouldn’t add anything if I ran ethanol free pure fuel.
I’ve been using the marine 2 cycle for over 10 years and 30k miles on my classics without any problems whatsoever. I never started using it to replace lead but to combat the negative effects of the f*#king ethanol.

For those of us damned to dwell where ALL the petrol sold gets cut w corn squeezin's, you would advise us to use a little 2 cycle oil in the tank then? I sure as **** seek any improvement in the crapoline we get down here.....