Rant ON... National Anthem...

What i'm dying to ask of any of these different Antifa, Black Likes Matter, NFL etc. protestors is what exactly do you want? Cause if they were to get exactly what they want today they will be back protesting tomorrow for more. Most of these people know nothing other than to complain about something.
If you want to talk about the "sports" aspect of it, I believe that Sonny LoSpecchio does an excellent job explaining to C what I was also taught about sports (and hero worship in general) at a very young age, by my own Italian grandfather.

These are GAMES people for cris sakes! Their wins/losses don't mean a damn thing except to their millionaire players and billionaire owners. Even worse, they're bread & circuses for the masses to keep you entertained and distracted.
The military aspect has a great impact on me and my fellow Warfighter's when it comes to disrespecting our Flag and National Anthem. I have served or worked for the military my entire adult life (going past 40 years now). I can tell you that on the battlefield everyone...black white, yellow, red, green, whatever color , race, or creed rallies behind the American flag. Every single person that I saw wounded was leaking the same color red blood. I saw that with my own eyes. We fought for the guy on our left and our right and for all Americans so all Americans can enjoy the freedoms we all enjoy everyday. All issues of inequality in America need to be addressed but doing that by disrespecting the American Flag and Anthem is just wrong. Nothing irritates me more.... There are many different ways to protest. As I said before...is it too hard to stand up and shut the **** up for 2 minutes??? I am from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Packer football is about American as apple pie and Mopar's and I can't stop watching the Packers.
American flag.jpg

You know what's interesting about that whole argument? That it's never really taken seriously, always as an insult.

You see, I was taught the history of why both sides of the family left Sicily in the 20s. It was a pretty F'ed up place where the Italian government treated southern Italians (and Sicilians) like sh*t. So they voted with their feet and their wallets and went someplace without a feudal class system and a government that was always in your pocket. I'm sure they missed certain elements but the point is they left.

Much of what "they" (the militant complainers) want already exists in other nations who NEED a younger population. Free medical care, subsidized housing, free daycare, supposedly no racism, etc. WTF, why not go there? I'm not even going to ban them from coming back or not visiting! Deprive the USA or your intellectual capital if you really want to make a statement! You don't even need to spend two weeks on a boat catching TB anymore. Jump on an Airbus and be there in less than a day. I flew round trip to Germany for $444 a few years back (admittedly an awesome price, lol)

They don't go because they don't really want it that much. Mainstream culture indoctrinates them, but it's not quite strong enough for them to make the move. They're only indoctrinated enough to be useful idiots.
What i'm dying to ask of any of these different Antifa, Black Likes Matter, NFL etc. protestors is what exactly do you want? Cause if they were to get exactly what they want today they will be back protesting tomorrow for more. Most of these people know nothing other than to complain about something.
It is the hypocrisy of Colin Kaepernick showing up to a press conference with a Castro tee shirt on.

I saw a woman parked directly in front of a crowded Trader Joe's store yesterday in her Prius. The back bumper was covered with "Coexist" and "Peace" bumper stickers, yet she parked so everyone had to go around her. She created a nuisance to her fellow shoppers and yet she was oblivious to it. It was the perfect example of shouting a slogan versus practicing it.
First off, these are games, not to be confused with sports. Mostly played by morons who have a knack for handling a ball of some sort or wacking one with a club. And supported "big time" by folks who just wish they could do it and somehow attaching civic pride to them.
In the sports category things like track & field, swimming, and motorsports come to mind.
I have just returned, "in a casual way" to watching NASCAR racing after a couple of years hiatus due to NASCAR's silly manipulation of the rules. The rules are still silly now. But, one thing I have not seen is a disrespect shown while the national anthum is played.
The flag stills waves proudly in the world of sports. Screw the ball & stick games.
I'm an army brat, well if my uncles are included, I'm also a navy brat and and an air force brat. I guess I'm really a military brat. All of these elders fought in the wars, WWI, WW2, Korean. My dad even spent time in Vietnam as a military attache for the UN, or in his words "a glorified spy". All of these men fought behind their "war flag", a practice dating as far back as the Roman empire, Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan to name a few. Any person disrespecting a war flag was disrespecting all the warriors who defended that flag in battle. Such disrespect was interpreted as a declaration of war and would quickly cause their death.

Wikipedia defines a war flag as follows:
A war flag, also known as a military flag, battle flag, or standard,[1] is a variant of a national flag for use by a country's military forces when on land. The nautical equivalent is a naval ensign. Under the strictest sense of the term, few countries today currently have proper war flags, most preferring to use instead their state flag or standard national flag for this purpose.

So the Stars and Stripes and the Canadian Maple Leaf are really war flags that are at the same time national flags.

Wikipedia tells how the anthem and the flag first appeared in sports:

In 1899, the US Navy official adopted "The Star-Spangled Banner".[16] In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson ordered that "The Star-Spangled Banner" be played at military[16] and other appropriate occasions. The playing of the song two years later during the seventh-inning stretch of Game One of the 1918 World Series, and thereafter during each game of the series is often cited as the first instance that the anthem was played at a baseball game,[17] though evidence shows that the "Star-Spangled Banner" was performed as early as 1897 at opening day ceremonies in Philadelphia and then more regularly at the Polo Grounds in New York City beginning in 1898. In any case, the tradition of performing the national anthem before every baseball game began in World War II.[18]

Thus the tradition lives on to salute all warriors defending the flag to protect freedom and democracy. It has nothing to do with race, religion, beliefs, special interest groups, it has everything to do with honoring our warriors.

As far as I'm concerned people who disrespect the flag or the anthem need to be exposed to attitude adjustment - send them all to boot camp. I'm almost positive they would quickly see the light.

But what do I know, I'm only a military brat and proud of it!
I'm an army brat, well if my uncles are included, I'm also a navy brat and and an air force brat. I guess I'm really a military brat. All of these elders fought in the wars, WWI, WW2, Korean. My dad even spent time in Vietnam as a military attache for the UN, or in his words "a glorified spy". All of these men fought behind their "war flag", a practice dating as far back as the Roman empire, Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan to name a few. Any person disrespecting a war flag was disrespecting all the warriors who defended that flag in battle. Such disrespect was interpreted as a declaration of war and would quickly cause their death.

Wikipedia defines a war flag as follows:
A war flag, also known as a military flag, battle flag, or standard,[1] is a variant of a national flag for use by a country's military forces when on land. The nautical equivalent is a naval ensign. Under the strictest sense of the term, few countries today currently have proper war flags, most preferring to use instead their state flag or standard national flag for this purpose.

So the Stars and Stripes and the Canadian Maple Leaf are really war flags that are at the same time national flags.

Wikipedia tells how the anthem and the flag first appeared in sports:

In 1899, the US Navy official adopted "The Star-Spangled Banner".[16] In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson ordered that "The Star-Spangled Banner" be played at military[16] and other appropriate occasions. The playing of the song two years later during the seventh-inning stretch of Game One of the 1918 World Series, and thereafter during each game of the series is often cited as the first instance that the anthem was played at a baseball game,[17] though evidence shows that the "Star-Spangled Banner" was performed as early as 1897 at opening day ceremonies in Philadelphia and then more regularly at the Polo Grounds in New York City beginning in 1898. In any case, the tradition of performing the national anthem before every baseball game began in World War II.[18]

Thus the tradition lives on to salute all warriors defending the flag to protect freedom and democracy. It has nothing to do with race, religion, beliefs, special interest groups, it has everything to do with honoring our warriors.

As far as I'm concerned people who disrespect the flag or the anthem need to be exposed to attitude adjustment - send them all to boot camp. I'm almost positive they would quickly see the light.

But what do I know, I'm only a military brat and proud of it!

Well put Bill!:canada: :usflag:
(I'm quoting you because in your absence, some people said I was taking over for you? At least I think it was you they were talking about?) At any rate I suppose I'll take it as a compliment since your viewpoint more/less aligns with mine.

I'm going to take a really big picture view on the national anthem protests and I'll throw in the people fighting statues, street names, etc. Ever heard of the term "useful idiots"? If not, I'll use the definition given by Wikipedia, my emphasis added...

In political jargon, a useful idiot (also useful fool[1]) is a person perceived as a propagandist for a cause the goals of which they are not fully aware, and who is used cynically by the leaders of the cause.[1] According to the Oxford Dictionary of Euphemisms, the phrase stems from useful fool to refer to "a dupe of the Communists" and was used by Vladimir Lenin to refer to those his country had successfully manipulated.[1]

That's what most of these NFL players (and most of popular culture) have been for years now. They act out of emotion, not fact. What is especially pathetic is that no one can act from fact, because the numbers aren't reliably tracked:

"We can't have an informed discussion, because we don't have data," FBI Director James Comey said in the House of Representatives in October...."People have data about who went to a movie last weekend, or how many books were sold, or how many cases of the flu walked into an emergency room. And I cannot tell you how many people were shot by police in the United States last month, last year, or anything about the demographics. And that's a very bad place to be."

But again, I suggest to you this isn't a protest motivated by rational statistics (since few are) but rather that these people are puppets with their strings pulled by those with an interest in splintering the nation, along with the ideals of freedom,the 1st amendment, private property rights, etc. I'd write more, but I need to get out of the house this morning to exercise my own 1st amendment rights.
What i'm dying to ask of any of these different Antifa, Black Likes Matter, NFL etc. protestors is what exactly do you want? Cause if they were to get exactly what they want today they will be back protesting tomorrow for more. Most of these people know nothing other than to complain about something.
Carmine, rapidtrans and many others here have more political savvy and understanding than I ever will. As a rule I am the classic "my own backyard" kind of guy... but I haven't been able to stomach this and it just won't go away. Thank you to the media and the "useful idiots" for that... I'm sure it does play right into the hands of certain politics/politicians.

BTW, I also struggle to understand the protest. We have a free country and folks can move if they desire a better surrounding. As I understand things, this is racial. As far as I can tell the major racial issues that are still a problem in this country are manufactured or are the circumstance of willing poverty.

I struggled to create my own life and lifestyle, I know there were a number of easier ways that I was excluded from based on my skin color. What things are denied to a person with darker skin in America now? I don't envy the job law enforcement has these days, now while trying to protect themselves and the public from folks who are a clear danger... they have to deal with the consequences of if the felon in question was the right shade of skin to use force??? I do understand there are circumstances that force my not be equivalent to the nature of the crime, but in a society that seems to increasingly believe they have a right to flee and the collateral damage is somehow not their fault, flight itself is just reason.
This has grow into a entirely different thing. I personally turn look at the flag when the anthem plays, but I do not get upset when others do not, they may be from another country.
I have never been beaten by a cop, so I do not have a horse in that race. I am not a fan of cops, mostly from being a truck driver ( yes you give up some constitutional rights with a CDL), but that is my choice. I get tired of hearing I'm just doing my job out of them, who cares! I'm just doing my job when all the **** you want to buy shows up at stores etc. and not strewn all over the highway, quit patting yourself on the back you'll hurt your arm.
Back to topic. The NFL played this all wrong trying to be everyone's friend. You or in this case the NFL leadership needed to pick a side once the topic gained traction, and since their pockets are lined with fans money that would be the understandable choice. They chose wrong trying to be everyone's friend.
Same as when the manager at the super market tells the check out girl to honor the expired coupon for a customer that he has seen more than once in the store. Sure the check out girl is right but why piss off a customer over 50¢.
The NFL has no choice but to change/backpedal on this so it will be fun to watch them.
Dave, I think you may be more in line with my main thoughts on this... which is mostly why am I still hearing about this everyday? Shame on the NFL for lacking the backbone and moral compass to correct this.

In truth, I believe they are playing the odds that they are getting increased viewership while folks watch the insanity for the sake of the insanity. Later they hope to spin higher ratings out of this somehow too... the ol "no publicity is bad publicity" game.
First off, these are games, not to be confused with sports. Mostly played by morons who have a knack for handling a ball of some sort or wacking one with a club. And supported "big time" by folks who just wish they could do it and somehow attaching civic pride to them.
In the sports category things like track & field, swimming, and motorsports come to mind.
I have just returned, "in a casual way" to watching NASCAR racing after a couple of years hiatus due to NASCAR's silly manipulation of the rules. The rules are still silly now. But, one thing I have not seen is a disrespect shown while the national anthum is played.
The flag stills waves proudly in the world of sports. Screw the ball & stick games.
I too have trouble with NASCAR... but you are correct... prayer and then national anthem. I distinctly recall a couple who sat out the ceremonies one year. Nobody found it worth their time to address the issue, even if they did receive a few dirty looks. I of course gave them my best smile at the end... that was the 400 at Daytona that Tony Stewart destroyed Kyle Busch's car on the final turn and won the race... they were wearing #18 apparel, the world seemed in balance to me.

I love that Mario, but I don't intend to promote any cause on my vehicles. I am not asking for a boycott and I honestly won't swear I won't wind up watching a game later in the season (my M.O. anyhow). I won't be burning my small collection of Steelers crap either, but I suppose I will think twice before wearing it sometimes now.
My views on this are supported in this thread quite well. On another note and since baseball continues to be a good and wholesome organization, did Anybody watch Andrew Romine play all nine offensive positions in the game against the Twins last night? Only the 5th player in MLB history to do so.
I've never been much of a baseball fan. I do understand that they have none of this crap there and even the foreign players display respect during the national anthem.
Thanks to all for your thoughts and replies

for those of you who have served, Thank You for Your Service to Our Country.:usflag:
My views on this are supported in this thread quite well. On another note and since baseball continues to be a good and wholesome organization, did Anybody watch Andrew Romine play all nine offensive positions in the game against the Twins last night? Only the 5th player in MLB history to do so.
What? I went to the game on Friday, that was a fun first 3 innings, even better beating Detroit :poke:! Now if the Vikings can overcome the refs, I mean our own stupid mistakes, we can double up!

I think it's stupid for an overpaid athlete to act like they have a cause that matters more than anything any typical American worries about. They are a bunch of egotistical people playing A GAME! Baseball players exhibit much more class by leaving their own sh*t at home! Kapernick made his bed and now he is sleeping in it, hope it's comfy!

Oh, I don't watch the national anthem of a football game, I can do without that garbage, protesting that is.
Shame on the NFL for lacking the backbone and moral compass to correct this.

In truth, I believe they are playing the odds that they are getting increased viewership while folks watch the insanity for the sake of the insanity. Later they hope to spin higher ratings out of this somehow too... the ol "no publicity is bad publicity" game
Our politicians are playing the same game, and they are getting away with it. C span does not command the ratings of NFL.
"I am tired of being disrespected in my own country for my patriotism" ? Just how do you think some ethnic groups and people of different color feel after years of striving for equality? Sometimes when the governments and people around you fail you, drastic measures and a show of diapproval are required. It's called a revolution, some are bloody and some are peaceful. Your great grandparents probably lived through one. You may live in the United States of America but it seems apparent your not in the United Peoples of America.
Hockey and baseball are played by guys with some class. Football is headed towards the NBA with the punks running the show.