Remember when?

i have a clear late 1960's memory of this one. my mom switched from "Pall Mall" to these.

1968 to be exact. my mom was 28 at the time .. smack dab in the Phillip Morris target market.

Interesting time to be a woman at least in America in late 60's. Strong, independent, burning their bras, wearing mini skirts, skinny bodies were "in", etc.,

We still see the social and economic effects - be they good or bad - of this general era in the world today. :)

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My Mom (registered nurse) was practically a chain smoker and she and my Dad smoked Camels (they did eventually switch to Camels filtered). I remember the back seat of our Buick, my Grandma sitting next to me smoking Viceroys (which stunk the worst for some reason) and my Dad and Mom up from with the Camels. It was 20 degrees out, and I got yelled at for rolling the window down because I couldn’t breathe. I don’t know how I didn’t get cancer from the second hand smoke.