My Mom (registered nurse) was practically a chain smoker and she and my Dad smoked Camels (they did eventually switch to Camels filtered). I remember the back seat of our Buick, my Grandma sitting next to me smoking Viceroys (which stunk the worst for some reason) and my Dad and Mom up from with the Camels. It was 20 degrees out, and I got yelled at for rolling the window down because I couldn’t breathe. I don’t know how I didn’t get cancer from the second hand smoke.
I certainly hope you learned a lesson from the behavior that you and your buddy took part in on this day. If you had not been a couple of lazy little procrastinators waisting a precious 30 minutes on those two old air bags, you could have scored that dirt bike...I have a confession in regards to party lines. Way back when, myself, my younger brother and 2 friends, age 13-10. We were trying to call about a used dirt bike and my friends had a party line. 2 old ladies were blabbing for ever, we were polite and patient, after about 30 mins we explained what needed the phone for and we got a, to bad! My friend took the muffler off his lawn mower and moved to the back door, took the phone receiver over, he cranked the mower, revved it up and Iput phone out the door. They hung up!, we made the call and the dirt bike had been sold. Only young once!!