For the record guyz. This never really happened but several timez when I waz on I-80 east bound of Toledo goin' east or west bound of Toledo goin' west I'd get rappin' with some other driver on the 2 way and in a short lull in the conversation I'd all of ah sudden yell into the mike...Dam I gotta get off this big road and head north NOW! I Saw Mama standin' on ah overpass holdin' the bottom of her dress way up high and pointin' down at somethin' when I went underneath and I just realized what she waz pointin' at. I thought She waz jes wavin' hi 'cuz she knew I waz gonna be flyin' thru' but I know now what she waz tryin' tah tell me.... And then I'd turn off the 2 way and stuff some tarvlin' tunez in the player and just head on out for one coast or the other, HO HO HO, Yeah I'm ah twisted SOB, Jer