Old Man with a Hat
Than some states...... MAYBE... As a country, I don't buy that. Rampant government corruption and widespread near anarchy do not add up to freedom. Our country has corruption and incompetence up to the highest levels, but not as bad as other places, I think. We have our problems, but I would choose this place over and above just about anywhere else.
Well i guess i see things a bit differently. Our similarities to communist states and the things they required of their citizens bothers me. Let's see, TSA and the whole having to flash papers to travel any more, body scanners (you know in other countries you don't even have to take off your shoes...), no knock raids, stop and frisk, government recording your voice and electronic communications, killing American citizens without trial. I can go on and on..
Yeah we're free alright, free to pay ever higher taxes to support those who won't support themselves.
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