Unless you might be ready and willing to add new words to your spoken vocabulary, several times over, pay the money and let somebody who has done it before do it. It's more involved getting the fabric attached to the rear bow and then stretched to the front bow so that the top is a bit smooth and tight when closed, than you might suspect. Then getting the rear section attached and stapled on each side. A lot more to it than installing a vinyl top on a steel roof, than suspected.
A friend in another car club decided to do his own top, about 20 years ago. We all were younger then! He followed the instructions, but to get things finalized, took him a week of nights after work to get things as they should be. Once was enough for him, he said later.
Just because a top is now in place and it works does not mean everything is "square" in the roof mechanism. Something else that can add to the price. Gremlins might be lurking where not suspected. As another friend in that same car club found out. He took his car to a good shop and they found worn/bent items in the mechanism, which added to the cost. About another $750,00 or so, IIRC. Not unlike taking a car to the body shop and they discover a gallon of filler in the quarter panel, covering rusty metal. When they were done, the top was fantastic and looked like a "better than OEM" situation.
Is that price for the complete package (top and installation) or just for the installation?
Just some thoughts and observations,