Show off your Formal!

Yup, aw shucks its just a old Mopar nobody gives two shits about anyway and if I win the $100 bucks tonight I'm gonna buy me a whole bunch of speed parts for my 350 chebbie in my pick up, yuk yuk yuk. Mouth breathe, mouth breathe.
You wouldn't last a week, I'm afraid, here in FuBu County. It's equal part sad and depressing. Everybody wonders why I keep saying that Humanity is doomed. This is why.
There are a few on here that tread lightly and offer parts, so to them I say, I still think it is a waste of time but thanks for offering parts from a parts car. Its like the slaughter house I like steak but not interested in cutting up a cow, and kicking the carcass afterwards.
That's a great analogy... The problem is the derby butcher won't sell us steak, it's to valuable. They only sell us ground beef interior parts. The steak, and choice cuts are there smashing parts.

There are a few on here that tread lightly and offer parts, so to them I say, I still think it is a waste of time but thanks for offering parts from a parts car. Its like the slaughter house I like steak but not interested in cutting up a cow, and kicking the carcass afterwards.
OK, so now someone needs to post another pic of a GOOD Formal - we've spent too damn much time on the derby car that really should be its own topic.
It never fails. The derby guys all think there justified In what they do cause they save a car every once in a while. Go play on and leave the Mopars alone!!
I have mixed feelings on it all... Don't want to see any older car destroyed, even a Chevy or Ford...they're all part of history and are also in dwindling numbers.

A lot of derby guys usually wreck cars that no one is buying....and they sell off parts that we can use but again, no one steps up to buy those items either.
I don't want it to happen but there isn't enough of us and my pockets aren't that deep to stop it.
Wow, what a few pictures can do. I noticed a few comments I have to disagree with, then I'll get off this site for good.
A) Derbiers are mouth breathers? Maybe some, but not all. If you are referencing me, specifically, then I have to disagree. I actually would possibly even put myself in the opposite category. I'm getting ready to enroll for a masters degree in quality and engineering, and have someone else pay for it. While working at a large automotive manfacturer as an engineer/supervisor. I just happen to like to enjoy the feeling of legalized road rage...

B) Wreck a Chevy or some other car? I had a very nice NYB that had extremely low miles, Leather, the works. It brought about 1/2 of what a Chevy/Ford of the same size and year would bring. None of you guys bought it. The collectors, restorers, and overall cape wearing car savers. A derby guy bought it, not to wreck, but to drive.

C) Alot of things are a waste of time, money, and resources. If a person is enjoying what they do, and it's legal, I don't have any issues with it.

I will take the pictures down before anyone calls the fun police

A. 90% are. Its not road rage when 1. Not on a road 2. Other person is doing the same

B.Most derby vultures snap up anything less than 1500 and.want to get it all back on just the driveline , in other words they want free fun, and if your parents didn't tell you shame on them" there is no such thing as a free lunch".

C.You need a new hobby.

Let's see if you can put all that education to good use and make a car faster, handle better, look better. Not smash it into oblivion, your engineer brothers have already developed a shredder that does what it takes derby guys months in about 3mins.

Also I would like to see a real derby no glass removed no gas tanks relocated, no welded doors, no watered mud hole, minimum speed like the interstate 40mph now there is a derby I would watch, now where is the Russian traffic video.
Someone asked a picture of a nice formal, so here's one... I don't have it anymore, but sure would like to have another Starlight Blue NYB like it:

78talvella (8).jpg