Snowflake ???


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 24, 2014
Reaction score
Rockland; Venango County Pennsylvania
So, the term snowflake has come up in a couple of threads. I'm not one for keeping up with slang. Here is the definition I found on line.

Urban Dictionary: Snowflake
Top Definition

Referring to someone, usually the Alt-Right, Yiannopoulos, And Nazi Sympathizers (A.K.A. ARYANS), whose immense white fragility causes a meltdown when confronted with the most minute deviation from orthodox White Supremacy. They often cry bloody murder when expected to give the most modest expression of basic human decency.

This is all a continuation of how Snowflake historically refers to people who are against the abolition of slavery.

The ARYANS have attempted to hijack this term to use against progressives and those opposing Fascism. It failed ultimately, because nobody was foolish enough to believe anti-Fascist resisters to be, by any stretch of the imagination, comparable to the snowflakery of the ARYANs and their cheeto-dusted Fuhrer.

But the ARYANS succeeded in poisoning the well on calling people "snowflakes," when it became widely understood that they were using it as a euphemism for the human ashes falling in Nazi Germany when they were burning people. This revelation became particularly useful for decoding the ARYAN tendency of referring to snowflakes as a "Generation." Especially telling is the pseudo-concept of a Snowflake Generation, which operates as a front for the ARYANS' need to mark out groups of people to direct their genocidal lust towards.
There sure is a lot of Nazi-supporting definitions piling up in the last pages of this word, they are all written by snowflakes who can't deal with having lost the popular vote.

So, I'm just guessing that modern use of snowflake in regards to the younger generations is because whenever they encounter something that challenges their thoughts or way of thinking. Hence causing them to melt down.

If my understanding is wrong please correct me.
Yea, I've never heard "snowflake" leveled at an Alt-Right type. They're usually the ones hurling it as I understand it.
Lets not forget the ultra-creative "Cuckservative" which is what one Conservative calls another Conservative when they are not being Conservative enough.

Such MINDBENDINGLY banal times we live in.
Lets not forget the ultra-creative "Cuckservative" which is what one Conservative calls another Conservative when they are not being Conservative enough.

Such MINDBENDINGLY banal times we live in.

It all boils down to what the USAFA head called "simple thinking". It just doesn't do us any good. People can't see the big picture anymore and the attendant complexity of our problems and how we got here. They just have simple "fixes" that don't get us anywhere except further down in the gutter and hatred spewed everywhere. And then we get nut cases that can't handle it all, and start shooting everybody they can. We used to be smarter than this.

From the visitors I receive at my own "asylum" on occasion from many parts of the region of Europe (Germany, Netherlands, Finland and Sweden mostly), I get the same reaction from nearly every one of them that in touring the U.S., they are surprised at how few well educated people we have here in the U.S. In contrast, they apparently have ready access to higher education and thereby have smarter governments that don't act as dumb as our current one that is an embarrassment for us to the rest of the world. Who put our current one in place? And that we had Hillary as the only real alternative says a lot about our society and how depraved we have become. Sad.
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I would disagree with Europe having the answers to most anything. And by the sounds, arrogant to bother to come to a place so below them. Us dummies have saved their *** more than them saving ours.

It all boils down to what the USAFA head called "simple thinking". It just doesn't do us any good. People can't see the big picture anymore and the attendant complexity of our problems and how we got here. They just have simple "fixes" that don't get us anywhere except further down in the gutter and hatred spewed everywhere. And then we get nut cases that can't handle it all, and start shooting everybody they can. We used to be smarter than this.

From the visitors I receive at my own "asylum" on occasion from many parts of the region of Europe (Germany, Netherlands, Finland and Sweden mostly), I get the same reaction from nearly every one of them that in touring the U.S., they are surprised at how few well educated people we have here in the U.S. In contrast, they apparently have ready access to higher education and thereby have smarter governments that don't act as dumb as our current one that is an embarrassment for us to the rest of the world. Who put our current one in place? And that we had Hillary as the only real alternative says a lot about our society and how depraved we have become. Sad.
It all boils down to what the USAFA head called "simple thinking".
The USAFA? Not exactly a bastion of advanced studies in the social sciences? I'm sure they get a wonderful technical education but I wonder what would happen to any student that questioned an instructor or engaged in some form of critical thinking.
I would disagree with Europe having the answers to most anything. And by the sounds, arrogant to bother to come to a place so below them. Us dummies have saved their *** more than them saving ours.


Yeah, we have a really strong military industrial complex and aren't afraid to utilize it - did you know that the world overall sees us as the biggest predator in the world, not Russia or China or ............?

What we don't have is a quality education system that is affordable to anyone but the upper middle class and rich, and we have a health care system that is going bankrupt we are told while the insurance companies are making billions off of it every year, and we don't have a government that serves the interests of the people rather than those who pay for their campaigns. And we have a middle class that in the past was strong and the economic system worked well for everyone besides those at the top, and so yes, we did "save their asses". But today, our middle class is struggling big time since our major companies outsource their jobs elsewhere so their stock holders and company executives can get ever more pay, while deserving workers get the shaft. And despite the new administration with a majority in Congress, nothing is still getting done and there is chaos all over Washington it seems.

These folks from Europe with whom I visited with are not in the least bit arrogant when they are mentioning what they see - they are just pointing out what they are seeing and didn't expect compared to what they knew we were like decades ago. Most of these visitors are older folks that have been around and are very aware of what is going on in the U.S. (in fact, a lot better than many of those who actually live here!). In the countries from which I receive the most visitors, their education systems are some of the finest in the world, they are well educated, have universal health care systems for all, and governments that seems to be more stable than what we have presently and seem to still be serving primarily the majority, not the few, at last for now.

Maybe you need to get out of your bubble in Maine and look at the rest of the world like they do and not just live in the past.
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What if we take the billions in foreign aid back? I couldn't care less honesty view us, we are who they turn to when the going gets tough.
My "bubble in Maine"? I do business much further than Maine, also with Europeans and have friends there.
We are not a perfect country, but much better than you appear to think.

Yeah, we have a really strong military industrial complex and aren't afraid to utilize it - did you know that the world overall sees us as the biggest predator in the world, not Russia or China or ............?

What we don't have is a quality education system that is affordable to anyone but the upper middle class and rich, and we have a health care system that is going bankrupt we are told while the insurance companies are making billions off of it every year, and we don't have a government that serves the interests of the people rather than those who pay for their campaigns. And we have a middle class that in the past was strong and the economic system worked well for everyone besides those at the top, and so yes, we did "save their asses". But today, our middle class is struggling big time since our major companies outsource their jobs elsewhere so their stock holders and company executives can get ever more pay, while deserving workers get the shaft. And despite the new administration with a majority in Congress, nothing is still getting done and there is chaos all over Washington it seems.

These folks from Europe with whom I visited with are not in the least bit arrogant when they are mentioning what they see - they are just pointing out what they are seeing and didn't expect compared to what they knew we were like decades ago. Most of these visitors are older folks that have been around and are very aware of what is going on in the U.S. (in fact, a lot better than many of those who actually live here!). In the countries from which I receive the most visitors, their education systems are some of the finest in the world, they are well educated, have universal health care systems for all, and governments that seems to be more stable than what we have presently and seem to still be serving primarily the majority, not the few, at last for now.

Maybe you need to get out of your bubble in Maine and look at the rest of the world like they do and not just live in the past.
What we don't have is a quality education system that is affordable to anyone but the upper middle class and rich,

in germany everyone can start to sudy at a university if they made through the 13 year school. In case a student doesn't have money to make his living: he can get monthly payment by the german state and will have to pay it back after he finished studying and has a job.

Compared to the past it seems not that easy anymore in the US to step up in education/wealth as it has been.

and we have a health care system that is going bankrupt we are told while the insurance companies are making billions off of it every year,

that is something no one in europe will ever understand.
A country should take care of its citizen and make sure no one will be ill or has to die unnecessarily.

BTW: you don't need private health insurance companies for that matter. In germany it is regulated by the state itself. So private health insurances don't benefit from it.

Mentioning things doesn't mean we (europeans) know everything better.
We share a lot of the same problems, too.

But affordable higher education(for the general public) and health care for everyone are two points where I see personally a big need for improvement in the US.
So, the term snowflake has come up in a couple of threads. I'm not one for keeping up with slang. Here is the definition I found on line.

Urban Dictionary: Snowflake
Top Definition

Referring to someone, usually the Alt-Right, Yiannopoulos, And Nazi Sympathizers (A.K.A. ARYANS), whose immense white fragility causes a meltdown when confronted with the most minute deviation from orthodox White Supremacy. They often cry bloody murder when expected to give the most modest expression of basic human decency.

This is all a continuation of how Snowflake historically refers to people who are against the abolition of slavery.

The ARYANS have attempted to hijack this term to use against progressives and those opposing Fascism. It failed ultimately, because nobody was foolish enough to believe anti-Fascist resisters to be, by any stretch of the imagination, comparable to the snowflakery of the ARYANs and their cheeto-dusted Fuhrer.

But the ARYANS succeeded in poisoning the well on calling people "snowflakes," when it became widely understood that they were using it as a euphemism for the human ashes falling in Nazi Germany when they were burning people. This revelation became particularly useful for decoding the ARYAN tendency of referring to snowflakes as a "Generation." Especially telling is the pseudo-concept of a Snowflake Generation, which operates as a front for the ARYANS' need to mark out groups of people to direct their genocidal lust towards.
There sure is a lot of Nazi-supporting definitions piling up in the last pages of this word, they are all written by snowflakes who can't deal with having lost the popular vote.

So, I'm just guessing that modern use of snowflake in regards to the younger generations is because whenever they encounter something that challenges their thoughts or way of thinking. Hence causing them to melt down.

If my understanding is wrong please correct me.

You used Urban Dictionary for a definition, which is crowd-sourced, meaning anyone can edit it. Just as people edit entries into Wikipedia for example.

No one using the term "snowflake" in 2017 (if ever) is referring to the nonsense in that definition, except for the cute little snowflake who wrote it, in the hopes it would be reposted.
The way I understand the term is that it is descriptive of a generation that has been indoctrinated into believing that every individual is as unique as a "snowflake "This started in the 90s -when grammar school curriculum was driven to develop children's self esteem, above an actual correct results based education. Remember when they foolishly believed that it didn't realy matter if a child obtained enough knowledge to derive at a correct answer.... as long as they can show that the "really tried hard" to get any answer! Also ushered in to dovetail the philosophy was "everyone gets a trophy" Folks -it was nothing more than socialism...planted the seeds 20 years ago, and here we are, dealing with a large portion of a generation who believe that their feelings are more important than objective critical thinking, and they "deserve" the fruits of someone else's labor, and like a snowflake - they melt down in the light and heat of reality
Election night really opened my eyes on the behavior and mentallity of a typical "snowflake".
The way I understand the term is that it is descriptive of a generation that has been indoctrinated into believing that every individual is as unique as a "snowflake "This started in the 90s -when grammar school curriculum was driven to develop children's self esteem, above an actual correct results based education. Remember when they foolishly believed that it didn't realy matter if a child obtained enough knowledge to derive at a correct answer.... as long as they can show that the "really tried hard" to get any answer! Also ushered in to dovetail the philosophy was "everyone gets a trophy" Folks -it was nothing more than socialism...planted the seeds 20 years ago, and here we are, dealing with a large portion of a generation who believe that their feelings are more important than objective critical thinking, and they "deserve" the fruits of someone else's labor, and like a snowflake - they melt down in the light and heat of reality

That's the best definition yet, in my opinion. Nice way to end your summary as well. To me, a snowflake is an individual who was brought up believing that they can do no wrong, and even if the individuals responsible for their upbringing are aware that what they are doing is wrong, they will not let the snowflake know that what they are doing is wrong. "as long as they aren't hurting anyone". So I don't blame the education system particularly, they didn't help the situation either. The result is hordes of untrained self absorbed dunderheads being unleashed into society once they're "old enough". I was lucky? enough to be born in 1980, on the cusp of snowflakism. Unfortunately we're all dealing with them daily now. The thing I don't understand is how we went from knowing/believing that there is no "I" in team to this?
Me too, it would be really hard to be president and have such thin skin. Every day must be pure hell.

Thanks, you really made me laugh! That was funny! :rofl:

Bullseye! You are SNL material.
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What we don't have is a quality education system that is affordable to anyone but the upper middle class and rich
This is so true, my son is 13 and looking at the cost of education is staggering. Not to mention that most of the public school system has really gone in the toilet.
we have a health care system that is going bankrupt we are told while the insurance companies are making billions off of it every year
This is where the sheep really show up. I connot believe how many people on company paid insurance will complain endlessly about Obama care and they have never wrote a check in thier life to a health care insurance company, never sent a check to a insurance company only to have half of it returned with a pre existing condition cancellation notice. Most of which would not even have health insurance because they are at risk and overweight but their employer's account is important so they get in.
And despite the new administration with a majority in Congress, nothing is still getting done and there is chaos all over Washington it seems
Yeah I'm still waiting for the good times to come. I have nothing I did not have 3 years ago except uncertainty.
Me too, it would be really hard to be president and have such thin skin. Every day must be pure hell
I hope he holds out because #2 in command is a real piece of work.
You used Urban Dictionary for a definition, which is crowd-sourced, meaning anyone can edit it. Just as people edit entries into Wikipedia for example.

No one using the term "snowflake" in 2017 (if ever) is referring to the nonsense in that definition, except for the cute little snowflake who wrote it, in the hopes it would be reposted.

I didn't specifically go to the Urban Dictionary. When I googled "snowflake" it was pretty much the only definition that didn't talk about an ice crystal. That was why I asked if based on this definition my understanding was correct.

I appreciate everyone throwing their 2 cents into this.