ahhhh the bane of these new above ground lifts... heh heh.
Two of the best garages I did work in all had 20ft 30ft(?) ceilings plus like a old time shop from the early 20th Century had walls of windows to let plenty of natural light in, ala:
I did my 440 6bbl swap into my 2nd 1968 PK21 in a early 1920's garage that had a illegal 'Grease Pit' you know the kind that only has one point of egress. Nice garage 3 large garage doors into a wide open (no posts) floor space that you could easily park 7 large vehicles in. I take it that it was a 4 garage door shop but at one time someone closed off the right side door to make a entranceway. Had a very large all glass enclosed wash down bay out on the right side of the building, almost like a greenhouse. Workbenches all around the perimeter walls with the windows just like in the picture above except for one section that was a toolroom.
Only thing lacking was a overhead chain fall.
The John Deere dealership I worked in had a electric 20 ton chain fall that could reach just about everywhere in the shop, NICE!
The Truck lift mod shop I worked in was 'Old Century' style, may have been a very small car dealership way back in the day. Even had a small showroom. My single post inground lift was right out front with a huge (watch me work) plate glass window, same deal with walls of windows around the back on the north & east sides minus the work benches. The place could hold well over a dozen pickups in it minus the single car size showroom.
I had a opportunity to get into the place when the Truck mod selling guy went belly up as I had a good rapport with the owner of the fairly large body shop next door and at one time when I stopped by to stare into the window to see what was going on, he was giving me the nudge nudge... but I figured I'd be obligated to do all his mechanical work that his body guys couldn't figure out and I already said no to that one with my cousin's husbands body shop. Plus also there was a contractor that was just using the place to store his vintage dump truck collection and I didn't want to get into the family politics(?) 'bout them. I had enough of a time with "Have you seen him around lately? He owes us MONEY!" when I make a appearance at many of my local parts suppliers.
I wanted to keep my longtime friendship with him as just that.
The only close mishap I had at the Truck Mod shop with the single post lift was when I almost pitched a brand new Jeep off it as it reached the top. The lift was old and had a fluid leak and would get air into the cylinder so at times it would get a little 'bouncy' if you raised it too fast. I complained to the shop owner and he had some service company come by to fix it but I take it they just filled it up with fluid and bleed the air out as it was good for awhile but came back to it's bouncy state within a few months time. It was at my final days of this big wheel truck lift kit foolishness as if I remember I had already done the full 'Monty' on the Jeep only to see it in front of my bay door one morning arriving at the shop. "What's this back for?" I asked the shop owner, "Tires rub, we got to lift the body", o'tay where's the kit? We don't got one... WTF it doing here then? Nobody makes a kit yet... go to the hardware store and get longer bolts, then the sporting goods store and get a shitload of hockey pucks...
I had already been through lengthening the sway bar links as the serious spring lift ****** that all up and the shop owner just said "leave the sway bar off it then" ARE YOU F'IN INSANE! It's a CJ5 FFS!.
Soooo... I wasn't to thrilled about seeing this one back, and I can't remember but I think I got as far as getting all the bolts & hockey pucks and when I lifted the Jeep up and in the mood I was in I forgot all about the bouncy lift and in the final stage it went POP with the Jeep taking a hop and shifting on the pads. Luckily I don't remember it leaning or it did any undercarriage damage and I put it right back down. I think I got as far as trying to drill out the bolt holes in the pucks and remember how drilling through rubber sucks and I walked on the whole deal.
Then everywhere else was like working in a cave.
Dream shop (never going to happen)