Some sweet full size mopars...and others


How many years has he had this one now? Four, at least....
His inventory never turns over. His cars are 3X the fair market value ( at least for the C's).
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I think he could sell more cars if he would put them on ebay.
In that way more europeans would see his ads as it is the preferred method of searching for many people overhere

The truth be known, the owner of this new car dealership is a casual classic car collector. He buys cars he likes and uses his dealership as a display for them. Business expense tax reduction. Best free advertising in the world, right? Otherwise, would people in Maine, California, and Florida really know about a Chrysler new car dealer in S. Dakota?
He doesn't care if people really buy them.
Kind of a win-win situation that I wouldn't mind having.