And that might not solve anything. Cities on the ocean like NYC to name one, put their trash on a barge and dump it in the ocean. Happens all over the globe, and plastic ends up floating around and winding up north of Hawaii, and elsewhere. Burning plastic is the only way to rid it from this planet, it her than the toxic gases released from burning it, and that's it. The plastic, hell, the newspaper buried next to the plastic will remain almost 100% intact forty feet deep at the landfill my garbage company sends it to. Plastic (most of the ones in use at a competitive price) will not biodegrade much, if any over many more live cycles than I will ever have. Awesome, isn't it? Recycling isn't generally cost effective, so it goes in the trash, just like aluminum cans when the price of scrap metal is low. Just because it goes into your recycling container, doesn't mean it will get recycled. But you can feel good about putting it in the correct colored barrel.
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