Spindle question


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
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Ellsworth Wisconsin
So I have a 73 imperial stub. Will 1967 Chrysler town and country disc brake spindles fit the stock imperial ball joints? If I put the 67 spindles on. It's not for a road driven vehicle I just wanna know if the ball joints will fit that non imperial spindle
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It’s my understanding that 1967-73 Imperials share a ton of parts. I think the calipers 68 and older were Budds and the 69 and newer were Kelsey Hayes. I’m not sure if that makes a difference.
Shoot I meant to say 67 Chrysler town and country wagon. No need for brakes just spindle itself, l will be coming your way in April I just wanna get these spindles changed to the 5x4.5 pattern from the other car I'll change spindle and hub if the ball joints sizes are the same then you can get your rotors off that imperial finally
The 67 Chrysler spindles are very different and won't work. The lower ball joint stud on the Chrysler faces down and is on the spindle assembly. The Imperial lower faces up and is on the lower control arm.

'74-'78 C body spindles may work. Small bolt pattern pickup or van may work too, if you swap them left to right, since they are front steer. All of these use the same ball joints as the '67-'73 Imperials.

The 67 Chrysler spindles are very different and won't work. The lower ball joint stud on the Chrysler faces down and is on the spindle assembly. The Imperial lower faces up and is on the lower control arm.

'67 Chrysler is different than '67 Dodge? My '67 Monaco ball joint stud faces up and is part of the LCA.
You're right. Stud faces up, but ball joint is still on spindle side, but not control arm side.

My mistake.

It's been a while since I've worked on any of my cars.

Imperial uses the same upper and lower balljoints as a 72-93 D150 pickup truck.

One of the very few readily available and reasonably priced suspension parts you can buy for an Imperial.

So they should fit then? I know the 74-78 fit. I have used those on imperials but I don't have any of those off at the moment. I do have a set of that 67 wagon off I just haven't grabbed them. Figured I would ask my crowd of more knowledgeable folks than myself before I pull them apart and get frustrated they won't work.