Spring has sprung!

Btw.. if someone was to put a garden hose for sale on CL would they have a car in the background? J just wondering.....:lol:
AHEM.... Mario... what's with the garden hose. You're not practicing some photo shots to put that on CL are you? :poke:

HA! I was waiting for someone to notice that!! lmao!

no Kenny, she's no going up on Craigslist anytime soon. Just did that for a good laugh. and if you notice, I added a new wrinkle...detail spray. lol

Btw.. if someone was to put a garden hose for sale on CL would they have a car in the background? J just wondering.....:lol:

If they dont, they most definitely should! would garner a 25% premium for that hose me thinks. :lol:
paint work at the MarParCarBar tonight :realcrazy:


Still deciding to sand base coat or not. 4 good coats on now (out of a spray bomb :(). It will dry for 24 hours (outside) tonight. Thinking of sanding base and putting another 2-3 coats of base over it. Then clear, and summore sanding. Thoughts Gents?

Aaaaaand if I have time this weekend, a new {to me} RV2 Kompressor will be installed....stay tuned :p


label altered to save the innocent lol
If you've got 4 coats of Base Coat on it, Time to quit and just wet sand the Runz, bumpz and Mosquito Wingz out W/ 600- 800 and then squirt your 3 layerz of clear coat and after a day or 2, Wheel it out with 3M polish and done? You are not after the RIDDLER AWARD AT THE AUTO SHOW IN DETROIT anyway are you? You don't strike me az ah guy that linez up all the Phillips Headz and goz trophy hunting Mario My Friend? They were built to drive and kill bugz and an occasional Jack Rabbit AT SPEED yeah know. That meanz they don't stay show room fresh and perfect, Shesh. I think I mentioned to yeah that I wore my Rolex when I waz Dirt Bikin' too didn't I? We gotta live ah little and experience life while we're on this journey too yeah know? No body really knowz or carez if you waxed your lug nutz before the Show anyway Pal, Jer
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If you've got 4 coats of Base Coat on it, Time to quit and just wet sand the Runz, bumpz and Mosquito Wingz out W/ 600- 800 and then squirt your 3 layerz of clear coat and after a day or 2, Wheel it out with 3M polish and done? You are not after the RIDDLER AWARD AT THE AUTO SHOW IN DETROIT anyway are you? You don't strike me az ah guy that linez up all the Phillips Headz and goz trophy hunting Mario My Friend? They were built to drive and kill bugz and an occasional Jack Rabbit AT SPEED yeah know. That meanz they don't stay show room fresh and perfect, Shesh. I think I mentioned to yeah that I wore my Rolex when I waz Dirt Bikin' too didn't I? We gotta live ah little and experience life while we're on this journey too yeah know? No body really knowz or carez if you waxed your lug nutz before the Show anyway Pal, Jer

That's why I love ya, Jer. you cut right through the bullshit. LOL

This is my first paint job of this size and I just want it to look decent. Aint no Newport guna win a Riddler (only cuz I dont have the scratch for it lol), but I want it to look better than it would if some schmoe in his backyard, half-in-the-bag was painting it. :p Maybe Ill just give her a little scuff to even it out and lay on that clear. then give er a good buffin.

And you are correct Jer, I dont go to shows, I dont trophy hunt either. waste of time. But I do line up all the screw heads the same way cuz of my OCD and I do wear my Breitling while I dirt bike too. :poke:
Well, the Scamp waz my 1st paint job too since I shaved ah few door handlez and nose and decked ah few Phordz 'n Mercz and shot my 1st Triump with Momz Lectrolux in '58 but I made that enamel look pretty sweet with enough buffin'. And the Scamp looked mighty fine too with the 2 stage with my new gravity gun when I shot it in 2010. By '13 I had a few spotz starting to raise? Ah few more spotz when I picked it up in Philadelphia two weeks ago for the trip to Carlisle and back home. Chemical contamination iz the only thing that makez sense to me but dam man it'z starting to look ugly AND I WANNA BARF. You say rattle can workz fer you aye? LOL If I don't laugh out loud I'll frickin' cry. I'm already countin' the dayz to the next Carlisle Pal. OH, and I figgered out my new cooler will hold 48 long neckz plus the ice and maybe ah few water bottlez and I need help movin' it when it'z loaded, Jer
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Well, the Scamp waz my 1st paint job too since I shaved ah few door handlez and nose and decked ah few Phordz 'n Mercz and shot my 1st Triump with Momz Lectrolux in '58 but I made that enamel look pretty sweet with enough buffin'. And the Scamp looked mighty fine too with the 2 stage with my new gravity gun when I shot it in 2010. By '13 I had a few spotz starting to raise? Ah few more spotz when I picked it up in Philadelphia two weeks ago for the trip to Carlisle and back home. Chemical contamination iz the only thing that makez sense to me but dam man it'z starting to look ugly AND I WANNA BARF. You say rattle can workz fer you aye? LOL If I don't laugh out loud I'll frickin' cry. I'm already countin' the dayz to the next Carlisle Pal. OH, and I figgered out my new cooler will hold 48 long neckz plus the ice and maybe ah few water bottlez and I need help movin' it when it'z loaded, Jer

ya, rattle canz are all I can use at this point. I do not have a paintin rig...yet.

I still need to learn about the mixing, reducer, tips etc etc etc before I dump $$$$$$$$ into MORE new tools. :D
But I do line up all the screw heads the same way cuz of my OCD and I do wear my Breitling while I dirt bike too. :poke:
I bet you cut a great steak, but as long as those screws are tight and not too tight... your done.
And the Scamp looked mighty fine too with the 2 stage with my new gravity gun when I shot it in 2010. By '13 I had a few spotz starting to raise? Ah few more spotz when I picked it up in Philadelphia two weeks ago for the trip to Carlisle and back home. Chemical contamination iz the only thing that makez sense to me but dam man it'z starting to look ugly AND I WANNA BARF.
Jer I can understand being pissed when you see your work has deteriorated a little. I saw the car, and while the paint isn't new, it still looks very presentable... go a bit easier on yourself my friend.
ya, rattle canz are all I can use at this point. I do not have a paintin rig...yet.

I still need to learn about the mixing, reducer, tips etc etc etc before I dump $$$$$$$$ into MORE new tools. :D
I wouldn't pass as a paint expert in any crowd, but I have had some minor success in the past with the cheap Chinese $20 guns... the biggest trick in my experience is to be willing to spend the time prepping and painting a piece of scrap metal the same way you plan to do the car... this should give you the chance to stop before you make something really bad happen.
I stick around here because of friendz like you two guyz and many more to name or count for fear of missin' even one. Even tho' My Fined C-Body and I are parted now, I'm still very comfortable here at FCBO even tho' I now play with 'Lil **** Box Turbo Carz. My two stall playpen W/ ponderosa attached waz built in '04. The rollupz are 8'X8'X2 and 20' deep. I'm surprised the builder didn't put wooden swing doorz on that Model-A & Jelly Bean size structure. OH and Mario. Color mix iz usually ONE TO ONE ratio with reducer and clear coat will usually be ONE TO FOUR reduction W/ Hardener unless you're playin' with some ODD BALL stuff and 'bout 28 psi at the gun iz about topz. All paint shops will give you printed instructions for the paint you buy FROM THE PAINT MANUFACTURER of that product if you ask. All mixing iz done in Clear plastic containers that have one once metering marks on them starting @ 4 oz size up to gallon size. and NOTHING goes into the gun 'til it's been filtered thru' throw away paper filterz. All supplies can be had at the auto paint store . including mixing sticks, metering cups, filters, AND TAC CLOTHS., AND CLEANLYNESS IZ NEXT TO GODLINESS, AND REMOVE ANY AND ALL SILICONE SPRAY PRODUCTS FROM YOUR PROPERTY BEFORE YOU EVEN THINK OF INVESTING IN STUFF THAT CAN RUN UP TO $400 AH QUART. And you don't start this journey 'til you own a very good RESPIRATOR W/ FILTERS for eyez, nose, and mouth. Theirz more but you now have the idea lol, Jer
thank you for that write up, Jer! VERY informative for a paint newb like me!

btw, what's the deal with the silicone spray?
thank you for that write up, Jer! VERY informative for a paint newb like me!

btw, what's the deal with the silicone spray?
Silicon spray'll make yer new paint "fish eye" which is really annoying unless you dig that "hammertone" finish!
Is that silicone on the substrate or out of the gun? Im missing the exact connection...
This example would be on the substrate. ... THO, if it's in the air (which you'd be amazed how that stuff travels) it can easily get in your air feed unless you are filtered up the ***.
This is why Jer says, just remove any and all of it from your property. It's a real heartbreaker.
thank you for that write up, Jer! VERY informative for a paint newb like me!

btw, what's the deal with the silicone spray?
Once silicone iz air born in an enclosed space it can and will on a molecular level continue to stay in the air and make contact AND LAND ON any and everything within that space for dayz and weekz. Talk to anyone thatz been squirting auto paint for any appreciable time and they'll tell you the same thing Mario. Silicone in aerosol form does not belong under the same roof where theirz painting going on period.
This example would be on the substrate. ... THO, if it's in the air (which you'd be amazed how that stuff travels) it can easily get in your air feed unless you are filtered up the ***.
This is why Jer says, just remove any and all of it from your property. It's a real heartbreaker.

Once silicone iz air born in an enclosed space it can and will on a molecular level continue to stay in the air and make contact AND LAND ON any and everything within that space for dayz and weekz. Talk to anyone thatz been squirting auto paint for any appreciable time and they'll tell you the same thing Mario. Silicone in aerosol form does not belong under the same roof where theirz painting going on period.

zah. I see now. thank you both for clearing that up!! :thumbsup: