
Very nice, I'm glad to hear its not the lawn mower.
I stop at the body shop today to put the ignition switch rod back on since it fell out again so they could move it.lol They said he used window sealer to hold down the scoops and they made a mess of my hood taking them off. I told them it better be just like it was when I brought it in and they said it will, well I'm not so sure that will happen. The goof has some nice holes in the hood so the scoops will have to go back on or it will need a new hood. She should be done tomorrow so I'll post some pics when I get back.
Spring has finally sprung here in Eastern Montana. loaded up last night for one more trip into the Rockies.



Looks like fun time. Spring has been replaced by winter here as it has been snowing since last nite. The NYB is still at the shop as I won't drive in this slop!!!!!! I hope to pick it up tomorrow but maybe not.
It was nice enough up here today to take the old girl out of the garage and blow the cobwebs clear. Sunshine, 50*F and the top down. Refreshing. She ran pretty good considering it's the first time out since October.
Washed her up today and had to show her off. I hear they are predicting snow tonight again. I think I'm going to be sick!!!!!

washed 1976 NYB 001.jpg

washed 1976 NYB 004.jpg

washed 1976 NYB 006.jpg

washed 1976 NYB 007.jpg
I can live with that until a hood comes along.
Can you remove the Hurst emblems on the headlamp doors?
Might as well be AutoZone stik-on portholes.
I've been looking at taking them off also. I just don't want any paint to go with them.
If it chips you could put a pair of Mooneyes over it. :weg:
spring??????? All white up here again. I'm sure it's not as bad as the weather down south ,I guess I should be happy my house is still up.

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