Didn't know whether to post this under electric or engine. Could be either.
Here's the situation. I recently replaced water pump, intake manifold and carburetor (upgraded to 4 BBL) on my 66 Polara 318 Poly. When I got everything back together it wouldn't start. Turns out the Florida moisture and recent storms related to Hurricane Ian (which didn't hit us directly but did kick up a lot of weather in Miami) fried my MSD 8504 E-Curve distributor. I sent it to MSD and they repaired it. Installed it and car runs!
I did some initial fine tuning of idle circuit on the new Edelbrock 1406. Got the engine up to normal operating temperature and took her for a test drive. As engine got warmer, she got a little rougher. Then when decelerating/braking it stalled. Immediately started up again. But began stalling any time I would brake/decelerate from speed. At stop signs and red lights she was struggling to keep running. I'd put in neutral and rev her to keep her going. Would stall upon shift to drive unless I maintained some throttle. Got it home but was too dark to work on it. I did check the in-line fuel filter. It was clean and was full of fuel.
Today I tightened all the carb mounting nuts and started her up and checked for vacuum leaks around the carburetor by spraying carb cleaner around the mating surfaces (I have a Transdapt spacer) and didn't rev up to indicate a vacuum leak.
Any thoughts? I've read in other forums for other cars maybe the brake booster has something to do with it?
Float bowl height?
Why would operating temperature be implicated?
Timing? I marked the distributor before pulling it and put it back same way. But maybe too advanced? Not enough?
Here's the situation. I recently replaced water pump, intake manifold and carburetor (upgraded to 4 BBL) on my 66 Polara 318 Poly. When I got everything back together it wouldn't start. Turns out the Florida moisture and recent storms related to Hurricane Ian (which didn't hit us directly but did kick up a lot of weather in Miami) fried my MSD 8504 E-Curve distributor. I sent it to MSD and they repaired it. Installed it and car runs!
I did some initial fine tuning of idle circuit on the new Edelbrock 1406. Got the engine up to normal operating temperature and took her for a test drive. As engine got warmer, she got a little rougher. Then when decelerating/braking it stalled. Immediately started up again. But began stalling any time I would brake/decelerate from speed. At stop signs and red lights she was struggling to keep running. I'd put in neutral and rev her to keep her going. Would stall upon shift to drive unless I maintained some throttle. Got it home but was too dark to work on it. I did check the in-line fuel filter. It was clean and was full of fuel.
Today I tightened all the carb mounting nuts and started her up and checked for vacuum leaks around the carburetor by spraying carb cleaner around the mating surfaces (I have a Transdapt spacer) and didn't rev up to indicate a vacuum leak.
Any thoughts? I've read in other forums for other cars maybe the brake booster has something to do with it?
Float bowl height?
Why would operating temperature be implicated?
Timing? I marked the distributor before pulling it and put it back same way. But maybe too advanced? Not enough?
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