Senior Member
The FSM has pretty good guidance on how to "center" the valve assembly. With the wheels centered, the steering wheel should remain still upon start up. If the car self steers at all, loosen the bolts on the valve and tap it one way or the other depending on how the self steering is.
There are special o-rings inside the valve called quad-rings. A cross section of one looks like an "X". Regular o-rings won't fix a leak. Been there, tried that.
I would be hard pressed to accept that steering box back even after they "repair" it. Too many failures there for me.
Hope the input helps.
When you are adjusting this, under NO circumstances should you reach through the steering wheel to start the engine. If you slide that cover a fraction of an inch too much up or down it can spin the wheel full left or right as soon as it starts.
The system has enough power to wind you and the steering wheel up in a ball and it will do it instantly. DAMHIK.