John Kirby
Active Member
I had the same problem with my "Steering wheel to belly ratio" in my Dodge, then I joined Jenny Craig. It took some time and effort (around two years), but most of my Fitting problem disappeared when my belly disappeared. Do they have "Jenny Craig" in Sweden?
I had a novel way of losing 20 lbs. Got sick as a dog and puked my guts out for four days. Woke up in the ER looking at an unfamiliar gray ceiling thinking "this can't be good". Of course the hospital abused my insurance and ran me through every machine they could possibly find to jack up the bill. In the end the doc said it was an electrolyte imbalance due to severe dehydration. I could have told them that. After filling me back up with an IV I walked out 20 pounds lighter. I've kept it off for the last six months. Had to buy new clothes, went down at least one pant size. Don't try this at home though, rather rough on your kidneys.