Stolen Barracudas from CA high desert


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
Central Coast, CA
A friend of mine's family member has a collection of mothballed Mopars stored in a warehouse in the high desert north of Los Angeles.

Apparently 12 Barracudas have just been stolen. They have been in storage for decades.

I believe they are all early models with the big back glass.

Besides the obvious steps of action, I suggested he post a thread on FABO to get this out in the Mopar community. Who knows if the cars are going to be parted out, or they might already be in Mexico at this point.

Any other ideas?

That's all the information I know of.
A friend of mine's family member has a collection of mothballed Mopars stored in a warehouse in the high desert north of Los Angeles.

Apparently 12 Barracudas have just been stolen. They have been in storage for decades.

I believe they are all early models with the big back glass.

Besides the obvious steps of action, I suggested he post a thread on FABO to get this out in the Mopar community. Who knows if the cars are going to be parted out, or they might already be in Mexico at this point.

Any other ideas?

That's all the information I know of.
That's a great idea. Have the owner provide photos if he can. Frickin' thieves. Let me know if you need help.
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A friend of mine's family member has a collection of mothballed Mopars stored in a warehouse in the high desert north of Los Angeles.

Apparently 12 Barracudas have just been stolen. They have been in storage for decades.

I believe they are all early models with the big back glass.

Besides the obvious steps of action, I suggested he post a thread on FABO to get this out in the Mopar community. Who knows if the cars are going to be parted out, or they might already be in Mexico at this point.

Any other ideas?

That's all the information I know of.
Definitely post on FABO. I would suggest Moparts too.

It would be hard to hide a dozen early Barracudas without anyone noticing.
Have him list the vin's.
That way as they come up for sale they can be found.
Rotten people just seem to be getting more rotten. Very unfortunate.
A fresh supply of that back glass will not go unnoticed.
May be the thieves think it's worth thousands each. Little do they know there isn't much market for them and you can get back glass for next to nothing.
I would watch all the listings for Barracudas of the same years. In this case it would be a good idea to list the V.I.N.s. We have 2 E bodies, but I like all barracudas and am always looking at the cars listed for sale. 12 cars were stolen all at once, someone knew about them and went equipped to get them. What condition were the cars in, so we know what to look for if they try to sell them instead of parting them.
Big problems with the illegal pot growers out there, awhile ago there was a multiple homicide out in the middle of nowhere tied to cartel illegal grows.
Mexico is a good starting point.

The pot growers are in federal forests where they can blend in with all the trees. Most of them are forced to grow for the cartels against their will. I doubt they gave two shits about cars they never had a chance to see.
A friend of mine's family member has a collection of mothballed Mopars stored in a warehouse in the high desert north of Los Angeles.

Apparently 12 Barracudas have just been stolen. They have been in storage for decades.

I believe they are all early models with the big back glass.

Besides the obvious steps of action, I suggested he post a thread on FABO to get this out in the Mopar community. Who knows if the cars are going to be parted out, or they might already be in Mexico at this point.

Any other ideas?

That's all the information I know of.
Definitely post on FABO and anywhere else. List the vins. Thieves suck.
The pot growers are in federal forests where they can blend in with all the trees. Most of them are forced to grow for the cartels against their will. I doubt they gave two shits about cars they never had a chance to see.
Au contraire my friend...

You can see the illegal grow camps by Google Earth if you search around enough (vast desert)

Au contraire my friend...

You can see the illegal grow camps by Google Earth if you search around enough (vast desert)


I stand corrected. 2021 is relatively new for grow ops, but I suppose they have to stay one or two steps ahead of the fuzz.

My point about the cars and pot growers still stands.
Updates below. Turns out only 1 early style/first gen, there is one Dart, and rest are second generation. Not all the vins are correct; to be edited if I receive corrected info.
Stolen from Pearblossom, CA from a location right on the main highway 138.

1. 1969 Dart Swinger LS23P9E165704

2. 1967 Barracuda Fastback BH29D72244007

3. 1967 Barracuda Fastback BH29F8B1283368 (this vin has extra digit)

4. 1968 Barracuda Fastback BH29H8B171446

5. 1968 Barracuda 'Vert BH27F8B420175
White w/ black top and interior

6.1968 Barracuda Fastback BH29H8B211383
Blue, w/383

7. 1967 Barracuda Fastback BH29D72218338
Black, w/383

8. 1967 Barracuda Fastback BH29B72213153
White, w/ 440

9. 1969 Barracuda Notchback BH23F9B187035
Red primer

10. 1965 Barracuda Fastback 1855142383

11. 1967 Barracuda 'vert BH27D72255214 (corrected)
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