Well in my 3rd version I am happy with my false wall. I know the purest aren't too excited, but it is in the trunk and fully reversible.
Looks pretty good to me! Came out a lot better then I envisioned.
Thanks, the picture makes it look like it has more bling than it actually has, which is not my personal taste. The retro 60s fender speaker fabric is cooler in person.
I am presently surprised. I have plenty of bass actually have it turned down about 50%. I tried something with the 3 1/2 speakers. I have Infinity in the front and Rockford Fosgate in the back. They each have there strong suits and it gives almost a quadrafonic, 4 channel surround sound. Total surprise on my part especially with the speakers right next to each other.You could market that design. How does it sound with the top down?
Detail of the speaker fabric.screw the purists (i'm kinda one myself LOL) I think it looks good. Can we see a closer pic of the middle showing the fabric detail?
Maybe get another Chrysler 300 emblem and put it dead center