Old Man with a Hat
Story has it that the then Chrysler president, (Lynn Townsend..?), was the only one upset when he learned how labor intensive it was to install those letters in production.
Took me three tries to get the spelling right...... LOL.
I bet the UAW worker had to take a test to get this job.
Sorry, not tonight?
You could rename it RED DEER HUNT and have an H left. Just say it was a spring special
Hummmmmmm..... Sounds like somebody has too much time on their hands.....
I'm trying to find a source for this style of panel fastener in bulk (50).
You pay like $4.00 for a bubble pack of six at the the parts stores. Sheesh!!!
I was being sly. I was trying to make you give me the direct link.... :rolling:
Ok, ok, I'll look for it myself...:mornincoffee: