Suspension help? On a 68 300 convertible


New Member
May 26, 2024
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North riverside
Very new here very happy to read all your comments and stuff this seems to be a lot of knowledge out there hopefully somebody can help me bought a new toy 1968 Chrysler convertible I've climbed underneath it looked at it I have leaf springs and coilovers is that normal? Is that something different? Looking to get the suspension looked at and anything fixed. Wondering if both kind of Springs came from the factory or if somebody down the road did some tinkering thank you all for your help

I can't answer your question authoritatively, but I don't think coil-overs were original. Your car is beautiful! Wait for one of the "old guys with a hat" to answer - they are rarely wrong about anything related to C Bodies (I'm still learning).
I can't answer your question authoritatively, but I don't think coil-overs were original. Your car is beautiful! Wait for one of the "old guys with a hat" to answer - they are rarely wrong about anything related to C Bodies (I'm still learning).
Thank you I am very thankful for the advice and the compliment I have been recommended to a guy who only works on older cars and suspension and I called him early June and his next available opening is September or October so I'm on that waiting list but any information I can learn I've definitely been reading here
Thank you I am very thankful for the advice and the compliment I have been recommended to a guy who only works on older cars and suspension and I called him early June and his next available opening is September or October so I'm on that waiting list but any information I can learn I've definitely been reading here
If you haven't downloaded the PDF version of the factory service manual (FSM) from yet, you should do it when you get a chance. That will show you exactly what the rear suspension was supposed to look like, and how to adjust/repair it. Something I've learned here is that people are happy to help out, but "did you read the FSM?" is often the first reply you'll get to any question you ask, so check there first, and if something isn't clear, ask away!