Old Man with a Hat
Hi Dave. I pulled my dash and I believe my 1970 Fury is full load.Fusible link is essential, that keeps an overload from frying the harness or the ammeter if there is a direct short someplace. On a '70 Fury, the ammeter is not the full load type. Chrysler had lots of issues with ammeters frying on the '69 and older vehicles sometimes leaving the vehicle dead on the road and other times causing a dash fire. You should run a continuity test on the fusible link to see if it still works, usually if they start smoking they are toast. The lead to the alternator is energized all the time so if you want to add a fuse for greater protection, add it to that circuit. The fuse needs to be sized appropriate to the alternator output at full charge. Dave
Front view
Rear view before disassemble