Every time I hear this crap from Daytona, I kinda hope they do something stupid to themselves up there and kill off their own economy. A lot of revenue is generated by being a car/motorcycle/race/party town... which could easily become just another shithole with a beach if they lose that draw.
I have to laff at that, the problem is the unruly out of towners... many from your own overpopulated county. Sure we have our own newcomers that are attracted to the 'Circus' the race events have turned into. Much of this 'Revenue' that is generated by this side show circus never stays here and leaves town, their is even the question as to if many of these carnival 'Pikeys' even turn over their sales tax to the state. I have (and it was posted up online) a video interview where one long time Bike Week swap meet vendor admitted that he doesn't pay. Said he left years ago due to a crackdown and increase in permits & fees and only did Sturgis and other events etc. But now he's back as it's gotten so large the city/county/state just doesn't have the 'resources' to keep up.
Decades ago there was a crackdown on OBT, you know what that is right Jeff? For the out of the Orlando area un-informed people OBT is Orange Blossom Trail, a parkway I guess, sounds pretty right? (I've never been there TYVM), A 'Strip' of roadway that was taken over by Saturday night cruisers, a place to go which I've read became very seedy with it's strip malls, strip joints and was the place to go to for all your 'nefarious needs' so to say. Street walkers, drive up strip mall drug dealers, and a place for the car cruising community to 'Network' well before social media came about. Big meetup area for many. Now after this big and not just one but many crackdowns, one weekend I went over to the beach not too do a beach day as it was April and not warm enough for the beach to me but a day to put on the shorts and do the Boardwalk have a few beers and enjoy the sunshine and salt air. Now Daytona Beach back in the 70's & 80's wasn't the go too beach spot for Orange County residents as they preferred Cocoa Beach, I don't know what it was, just the extra couple of miles to get to the 'Free' drive on beach in Volusia county or the many 'Rocket Scientists' that lived in Orange county preferred Brevard County over us. They have a expressway just for them, it was called "Bee Line Expressway" back in the day, but the ever changing bright bulbs over there didn't think that was appropriate for out of town tourist that couldn't find Florida Beaches on their own so they renamed it "Beachline Expressway" they even named it after some guy Martin B. Anderson who ever he was, mab'be someone in the aerospace industry IDK. Welp getting back to my beach visit in April in the 90's is that in viewing the beach activities from the Boardwalk Main St. area is that I notice this one particular vehicle that had gone by the Main St pier area many times in the past several hours. Why did I single out this one particular vehicle?... Welp because it was a 'Low Rider' a 'Bagger' or 'Ghetto Ride' like I use to see in LA in the 70's, I take back the bagger nomenclature as I don't think baggers can do what I saw that made this car stick out. AaaaYep it was all jacked up three Showoff Sideways to Sunday riding up & down the Beach jacked so the tiny RF wheel was 2/3 feet off the ground. Now this car had gone by many times in the couple of hours I was there and I know it's crowded around the Main St area for parking (not anymore, banned driving area) but I don't think this Fella was looking for a parking space. Never in my time here had I seen this type of car before and I just thought... welcome to the Ghetto, it's been all down hill since then, but it ebb's & flows, hurricanes come and **** up the beach so no driving for awhile, then they double the entrance fee etc.
Yesterday I saw in our local online newspaper that the City was having not just a 'Workshop' (or did the workshop morph into) but a 'Taskforce' to "corral unruly Daytona-area special events", but I didn't have time yesterday (or really care, same-O same-O) to read this regurgitation but seeing your comments made me come back to read the article before it disappears into the ether. Here's some cliff-notes.
"purgatory of thumping car stereos, traffic jams, law breaking and constant clouds of noxious exhaust".
"The truck meet has a host: Daytona International Speedway. If we can get them to quit renting out to the promoter, that will help a lot."
"Daytona Beach police officers who normally would have been off that weekend were called in to work mandated 12-hour shifts, and when the mayhem finally subsided the overtime bill had climbed to $178,687."
"And that was just Daytona Beach. The sheriff and police chiefs in Holly Hill, Daytona Beach Shores, Ormond Beach, South Daytona, Port Orange, Ponce Inlet, New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater and Flagler Beach all had their officers trying to keep a handle on the chaos."
And the price of just picking up the trash was going to be tabulated by the County (WastePro), they know the tonnage from the scales at the landfill (when's that place going to fill up?) but I never heard the $$$ amount (or care, never ending). One thing I learned from the City meeting that jump started all these workshop to taskforce level meetings is that we have been down this road before even after the heydaze of the 80's Spring Break debauchery. Now I'll try and tread lightly here, but we had this one particular event come back to the City of Daytona Beach in the early 90's after they were known for rioting up in Virginia Beach where that City and the state would not put up with the behavior of these individuals. So this city was well informed and prepared and contacted the state for all available resources to just try and keep a lid on the pot so that it didn't boil over like up in Virginia. Well the first city meeting the Mayor reminded every one that just one year of this event cost just the City of Daytona Beach alone 1.2 Million dollars for having all these State Troopers and cops from just about every other part of Florida for the several days this event went on. I personally saw Broward County and a Margate Command Post Winnebago go by where I lived on US-1 in the downtown area.
LOL I felt very safe where I was in the Downtown Historical District as there were 2 FHP Troopers on every corner for several blocks, Kind of reminded me of the Laconia Motorcycle Races in the early 70's... tons of State Troopers and these weren't little whimpy guys like you see these days, think Moose. I ask one local NH resident where all these big troopers came from and he informed me they were the ones that manage the state prisons. And they didn't mess about as the first owner of my first PK21 found out as he got a massive wack from a Troopers billy club to the back of his knees bringing him to the ground right pronto as he got a little mouthy to the Trooper and didn't get on his motorcycle quick enough as they were clearing out the roadside mayhem on RT 106 just down from the track. I was on my already running bike trying to get into traffic to clear out. He made it out and didn't get hauled off but they really weren't arresting people as they didn't have the 'resources' to handle that many people they just wanted to make it well known that they needed to clear out of the area. Oh the daze...
What is 1990's 1.2 Million dollars today? ... 30 Million? Seems I remember a fire station back in the 80's being built for 1.2 Million dollars and then the new North Ireland fortress type Police station costing 7 Million shortly after the fire station (and the roof leaked), now there is talk that the city north of me here needs a new combined 'Command Center' Police Station to replace it's current 20 year old station, estimated cost today is just 30 Million dollars and you know that's going to go up, I think and say over 50 Million by the time it's operational.
People around here are saying enough is enough, but will it happen? Daytona was nice for quite a while, in the 70's & 80's a little ghost town'ee when the races weren't here but it's just like what happened over in the Sarasota area where I lived in the 70's. Nice to have the snowbirds in the winter for $$$ but glad to see them go in April. Now they stay all year and the problems mount daily. (Like "Where's Baldy") Hey but wot'da'heck 'Dogs' here! (he don't look well IMHO)
I say you can't stop the 'Steamroller Of Sprawl'....