The Road trip begins..

mr. fix it

Old Man with a Hat
Aug 14, 2013
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Heading out in an hour to retrieve the trunk pan I bought in NC off E-Bay.
I'll be home in a few days.
The dog is ready to defend whatever comes this way.
If anyone feels that they want to relocate any of my personal items, they'll have a fight on their hands.

He's well trained...

Plus I have a number of watchful neighbours..

Heading out in an hour to retrieve the trunk pan I bought in NC off E-Bay.
I'll be home in a few days.
The dog is ready to defend whatever comes this way.
If anyone feels that they want to relocate any of my personal items, they'll have a fight on their hands.

He's well trained...

Plus I have a number of watchful neighbours..
Good luck on your trip. Fuel prices are favorable for road trips now. NC has to be warmer than your locale
The trunk floor is just outside of Salisbury.we are then heading to Carolina Shores to visit our daughter n her family.
What part of NC will you end up in? There are four members here near Raleigh.
I would like to connect with the members but we have to high tail it to Carolina shores for a one day visit then scream back home to work again.
Yeah it was always going to be a long shot, cant help it, if you had been real close it would have been a chance.
I have the pan in truck now and in North Mrytle Beach for the night.Heading back home tomorrow.I am a happy man having bought this