The Road trip begins..

So just did a quick break down of the cost of this road trip...
First in US funds then convert back to Cdn so you Americans can understand how screwed we are with the exchange rates these days.
2 nights stay at hotel = $210.00
4 fill ups = $216.00 thanks to cheap gas prices!
Misc expenses tolls, snacks, eating out = $150.00
Trunk pan = $175.00
Extra bit while I was there = $20.00
Grand total = $771.00 USD

Conversion to Cdn @ 42% = $1094.82

True cost of this $175.00 trunk floor?
Getting to have an OEM trunk floor with next to zero rust $1094.82Cdn

Seeing my daughter and her family in NC? = PRICELESS!!!
here's a picture of the pan in the box of the truck..

The excursions and parts collecting are all part of the enjoyment of the hobby. Seems the only things I remember from back in the '80's working on the Challengers were the swap meets and the junk yard parts collecting, and they were all fun times. I did a similar trip to yours last March to pick up my complete interior in Buffalo. Similar, in that it cost me the extra expense of a weekend trip to Niagara with my wife! We had a blast, including a stop at the duty free shop. Oh, and thanks to the exchange rates, the trip was less than the cost of the interior....
Always nice when you can visit family and bring home something for your car. The pan fit nicely in the bed of your truck.
I guess I'm a lucky guy. Every time I mention finding a part Ellie gets excited and says "go get it.....!" It's so much fun that i'll find some weird, crazy priced jem I really don't need and run it by her.
Actually my wife supports me as well but $$ are always a concern. This can be an expensive hobby!