The Saddest For Sale Ad Ever.

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Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
Contact seller
Yeah, pump and dump. The over use of crisp gives me the heebie jeebies, like mid-management in my company in your house heebie jeebies. I hear that freakin term all day long and it drives me nuts. "have to make the experience for the customer crisp" "how do you hake that selling point crisp" blah blah blah blah. Yeck.
I'm not saying anything negative about the car for obvious reasons but probably the saddest part is that he thinks there will actually be bidding with that starting price.
Sad story......

But I agree with Matt that there won't be any bidding with that starting bid minimum.
Lancaster is just outside of Columbus. Maybe I'll throw a bid in.....
Is that a JC Whitney vinyl truck seat cover on the front?

Heavy duty, large body style. There was a light duty, smaller body style as standard? Bwahaha...

Sad story??? For a fiction book as per Stan
No. This sad story is real.
Could be my NYB in 20 years.
And guys who are now thirty will be posting in 20 more years will be saying that I'm senile when in actuality I'm in my own dark little world without a clue of ever having it.

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Definitely not "priced to sell". A 4 dr will never command top price (oops, my C is 4 dr). Amazing how many people never give even one under-hood photo.
Look at those tire streaks on the garage floor; reckless driver right from the start. :)
In my experience people who go into nursing homes vs assisted living don't have much to say or can't say what is to be done with their belongings. Sometimes people take advantage of those less fortunate. I've seen it many times. Perhaps this guy has no intention of selling this, hence the high bidding price. I'm hoping this is not the case. I'm usually the optimist but like I said...I've seen the greed in people so many times.
I sent him a message, saying "I hate to break this to you, but you have this car overpriced by about $7,000. It's not a fasttop or a convertible, it is a four-door sedan."
Here is his response:

"Thanks for the info but you should really check out the book listing price on this vehicle seeing as it is a factory air car and the condition and the miles that are on the vehicle. It list for $9800 and if I can get $9000 the owner will be happy I am trying to get as much out of it as possible due to the circumstance that the family is in. I have done my research on this particular car and I would not have put it on there if I wouldn't have done the research. Thanks again for the info."

He'll be sitting on it for a LONG time. He claims a "book value" of $9,800. Actually, the NADA book on it shows just $5,445 as high retail value. Low is $2,140. I responded to him with that info. Somehow, I do not expect a response.
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"it was a barn find by current owner who has had it for 20 years then it has been in a concrete floored garage still to today."

That can't be good for the metal in that car
Concrete or dirt, as long as it was dry and air was allowed to flow where it was stored it would be fine.
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