How many times have we all heard this before?
I want to be clear before I express my opinions here this is a sore spot for me. I have seen too many vehicles literally sit and rot into the dirt under them only to be fixed up some day!
I have personally stopped and talked to many owners to hear this line, or one similar. I am waiting for my grandson to get older, my son to get done with college, etc., etc. etc.
True, many times this does happen, but on most of the vehicles I have talked to the owners, the cars sit in the same spot and end up getting towed away. Only after the owner has neglected it to the point it is not worth saving.
Sorry for the outburst here. But, I just do not understand why someone will not part with a vehicle. If someone is willing to give a fair price and get the car or truck back on the road, then please let it go.
I would much rather see a classic back on the road being driven and used instead of sitting and rotting away. So what if it needs some work, paint, etc.
Sorry for the long rant, but I still cannot make sense of this behavior even after being involved with cars for over 30 years.