This deserves it's own thread - love it or hate it

Do you Love it or Hate it or can take it or leave it?

  • Love it

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Hate it

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Like it but wouldn't do it if it were mine

    Votes: 13 54.2%

  • Total voters
Actually I am a 3 like it wouldn't do it. I am not a graphics and multi colored paint kind of guy, K.I.S.S. But I will stop and admire someone's work and or taste.

He'll hunt the owner down with his truck . ;)

Now that's patina and keeping it real simple, mother nature's canvas. Mine just has road salt patina on it.


Peterbilt 1985 359 model extended hood to be exact.
I love it they just don't make trucks like that anymore .Theres a kenworth on ebay uk for sale it's been on for a while .When you see one over here and that's a rare sight .they dwarf ,the scanias and volvo trucks we have here .

Hmmm :eusa_think: Before I vote on this one I would need to see it with the roof up to be sure !!!! Carsten ?? :reading:

Hmmm :eusa_think: Before I vote on this one I would need to see it with the roof up to be sure !!!! Carsten ?? :reading:

sorry I have no pics with roof up.
Nick is a nice weather only driver with top and windows down
