This deserves it's own thread - love it or hate it

Do you Love it or Hate it or can take it or leave it?

  • Love it

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Hate it

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Like it but wouldn't do it if it were mine

    Votes: 13 54.2%

  • Total voters
There. I improved it!

Hood is ok, doors not so much. Like it wouldn't do it is where that puts me.
Its only 250 or so, fenders are supposed to be B5 blue but my wife would probably like the green and it is "her" truck technically. I would not want the DOT man seeing those clearance lights $$.
If it didn't have Wile E. on the door (intended voting was for hood treatment only actually) would that have changed anyone's mind from a Like it to a Love it or a Hate it to Like it?

Voting at present 8, 3, and 7. So overall 15 to 3 with an overall likability index of 83%
If it didn't have Wile E. on the door (intended voting was for hood treatment only actually) would that have changed anyone's mind from a Like it to a Love it or a Hate it to Like it?

Voting at present 8, 3, and 7. So overall 15 to 3 with an overall likability index of 83%

I love seeing myself on the side of your car! Well done! :eek:ccasion14: Wile E.