This post over on the "B" Body forum made me sick...

That needs to be saved. I've restored worse...


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This is one reason I'm afraid to sell my Newport some day... a plain old '72 440 sedan with 50k miles will draw a lot of engine transplant people. Guess I have to keep it forever to be safe. :)
or offer it for 8k and get chewed up around here for being overpriced. Catch 22. ;)
There are plenty of 67-71 440's sitting in the corners of garages all over the US. There is no need to yank another one out of a decent DD. I spent some time checking out the forums over there. It's a much different culture, most of the cars are cobbled together with Chinese metal and donor parts. Even the "numbers matching" claims have new metal from "firewall to bumper" and worshiped as a "survivor". I get the impression that most of the members over there are too young to remember pre-Iacocca Dodge-Plymouth-Chrysler, or even the 1980's when a true survivor could be had for $1200. I'm not sure where the enjoyment is in creating Frankenstein trailer queens.
You just infuriated a thousand guys over on

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I sold an old Dodge RV to a guy once. Long story, but it was a cheap "experiment" to see if my wife liked vacationing in that style. Turns out she hated it, but that's another story. The RV got used by my son (who loves that stuff) for a couple years and then we had squirrels get into the cabin and destroyed it one winter. No fixing without gutting and I'd already done enough work on it.

We drove the RV up to the guy's place as he had asked. Seemed that was part of the deal... It had to run well enough to get to his house in the middle of nowhere. Got there and while I knew the deal was for the drivetrain, the guy went into detail how he would rip the house off the frame with his backhoe. I really didn't need to hear that. It wasn't a great RV, but geez.. It still was mine... He was building a Cuda for his son and him.

At that time, I had a bunch of big block Mopar parts kicking around... He was looking for more stuff and it was stuff I had. No way... He can look somewhere else.

The only reason I didn't drive away with the damn RV was I didn't want to drive the smelly thing home.

People are jerks. I've bought parts cars, been honest about it, but also with a little apology in my voice. It doesn't take much not to be an ***.
I was at a car show a few years back. There was a guy there with a ratty 68 charger, across the windshield was a big visor that said, powered by winnebago. He was so proud of himself for getting the 440 for his car......
Every engine I have has been pirated out of something, that said, they were out of nothing special, rv's and pos cars going to the derby. I love when people say there are tons of these cars around. Where? I've had my Polara 10 years and have seen a dozen or so other cars near me. I hardly ever see formaldehyde or fuselage cars. Most have been crushed up here by yard owners who are brand x people. Although one mopar loving owner hooks a derby guy up with some pretty clean metal on a yearly basis. Poor guy cries like a baby when his cheating ways don't help him win, but he wins a lot. Oh yeah, he cheats. Sucks seeing old mopars get destroyed when there isn't that many left.
I just posted what I think about his request, It edges on a rant and may be deleted, but makes the point, I think.

And a raw nerve was struck

If you can't see that and show a little respect to your fellow Mopar guys then sell the GTX to a Mopar guy, go buy a Chevy and yank the engine out of a perfectly good Chev suburban.
ok, looks like we have tried to do our best job overthere:eek:ccasion14:
Now if he'd only post up some pics of that 300.
I just posted what I think about his request, It edges on a rant and may be deleted, but makes the point, I think.
I quoted it so they'll have to delete us both!:icon_thumleft: