There is a thread on FBBO where people volunteer the number of years they've been Mopar/working on Mopars.
The average of the years is 37 1/2 .. most started in their mid teens I'd say.
It was started just for fun last Christmas. 95 responses to date.
So if you ad say 16 to 37 = 53. From my experience on the site and people posting stories or flat out giving ages, I'd say majority of the regular posters are in their early to mid 40's to early to mid 60's. Which hit's that tallying pretty good. There are a good number of young ones too which I think is great but many older guys.
Speedfreak is one young man who's a great guy over there, like Nick here, are there are many others ... some of you who check out member's projects over there have probably seen SF's Charger thread and others.