Call me crazy but.....I think my recent purchase is one of the best looking cars on the road; old or new.
Call me crazy but.....I think my recent purchase is one of the best looking cars on the road; old or new.
You've had it awhile, now. Any problems?Crazy.
The F-Type is more along the lines of Aston Martin than a Mustang.
You've had it awhile, now. Any problems?
It might be along those lines in terms of cost and handling/performance, but it bears a hell of a lot of resemblance to the mustang....Crazy.
The F-Type is more along the lines of Aston Martin than a Mustang.
It might be along those lines in terms of cost and handling/performance, but it bears a hell of a lot of resemblance to the mustang....
All of this is so true but we need to remember we grew up around these cars and they are entrenched in our memories. As the new generation grows up they will gravitate towards the cars they grew up with. We have already seen this with pre 50’s cars as that generation is slipping away. The way I see it it’s our job to ensure the cars we love so deerly are remembered forever.
That’s exactly what I mean. I appreciate your effort to keep the interest up but unfortunately it will wane, it’s just part of life. I am doing my best to keep it going. Both my sone and daughter love old cars and now my youngest granddaughter is right there with me. Keep up the effort.Kind of hard to be remembered forever once you are dead. Last week I got a little lecture from a couple of Gen X'ers who stated that they have no interest in our cars, especially the large family sedans, and proceeded to list the cars they are interested in. All came pretty much after 1984.
Ian Callum has always had an excellent eye for superb design. While I know convertibles are a lot more fun than coupes for a lot of people such as yourself, I prefer the coupes, as they tend to complete the design more fully when the roof is more integrated than the with the convertibles.
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But hard to argue with any of them. Beautiful.
Carmine, I am curious about the age of this citizen who was working at Chrysler who you were talking it?
Believe it or not, older than me... at least 50-55. Honestly that's maybe what struck me. If he'd been a millennial, I'd have likely disregarded his nonsense.
And if it gives you any hope, just before Christmas I took some millennials from work out to lunch in the '76 Royal Monaco and they were absolutely fascinated with it. Nothing but compliments. Especially the hilarious "fuel pacer" option.
Actually you would have done well to note what the Millennial said as they will be the driving force in car design and buying in the next decade. It certainly won't be anybody who is 55 and over right at this moment.
Beware the Millennial who finds your car, or any old tech for that matter, as fascinating. There is fascinating in the good sense and fascinating in the sense that I can't believe they used these cars, rotary dial phones, and CRT television.
You need too get a newer Jag... nobody here love TATA's as much as you...I really love the styling of mine and get compliments all the time on it...
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