Thoughts on Automotive Styling, aka old cars are obsolete.

It might be along those lines in terms of cost and handling/performance, but it bears a hell of a lot of resemblance to the mustang....

You may want to look a bit closer.

Aston Martin DB7

Jaguar F-Type:

Ian Callum, the Chief Designer of the F-Type worked for Aston Martin prior to joining Jaguar where he was the Chief Designer of the DB7. The Aston and the Jag resemble each other more so that the Mustang. Wouldn't you say? Ford sold Jaguar to Tata Group in 2008, long before the current generation of the Mustang was developed so I doubt there was any cross pollinating.
Ian Callum has always had an excellent eye for superb design. While I know convertibles are a lot more fun than coupes for a lot of people such as yourself, I prefer the coupes, as they tend to complete the design more fully when the roof is more integrated than the with the convertibles.


But hard to argue with any of them. Beautiful.
Carmine, I am curious about the age of this citizen who was working at Chrysler who you were talking it?
All of this is so true but we need to remember we grew up around these cars and they are entrenched in our memories. As the new generation grows up they will gravitate towards the cars they grew up with. We have already seen this with pre 50’s cars as that generation is slipping away. The way I see it it’s our job to ensure the cars we love so deerly are remembered forever.

Kind of hard to be remembered forever once you are dead. Last week I got a little lecture from a couple of Gen X'ers who stated that they have no interest in our cars, especially the large family sedans, and proceeded to list the cars they are interested in. All came pretty much after 1984.
Kind of hard to be remembered forever once you are dead. Last week I got a little lecture from a couple of Gen X'ers who stated that they have no interest in our cars, especially the large family sedans, and proceeded to list the cars they are interested in. All came pretty much after 1984.
That’s exactly what I mean. I appreciate your effort to keep the interest up but unfortunately it will wane, it’s just part of life. I am doing my best to keep it going. Both my sone and daughter love old cars and now my youngest granddaughter is right there with me. Keep up the effort.
Ian Callum has always had an excellent eye for superb design. While I know convertibles are a lot more fun than coupes for a lot of people such as yourself, I prefer the coupes, as they tend to complete the design more fully when the roof is more integrated than the with the convertibles.

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But hard to argue with any of them. Beautiful.

I love the coupe as well Steve especially with the optional panoramic glass roof. However, Dana specified "2 seat convertible" and I willingly obliged.
I know I've mentioned this before, but I really feel gyped that this isn't the future we got...


BTW, note that the chick looks hot (not like an ex-con or wearing stretch pants), the guys don't look like chicks, we've perfected the walrus-horse and best of all, you can apparently still get whitewalls in this alternate future.


Yes, longer-lower-wider!


Bumble-bee stripe!! Yes!! And I'd take that dark blue spacemobile as well.


OK, I won't make this all Imperial-owner Syd Mead, but his sh*t is awesome.


Why are the only color photos from some guy's 110 instamatic? They spent God-knows how much to build this car and never took any color pictures!?!? Wait, that does sound like something Chrysler would do.


Never seen this, but I like! I'd tweak it a bit, but I like.


If I do much more of this I'm going to leave my house and start attacking Asian CUVs with a hammer. While crying.
Carmine, I am curious about the age of this citizen who was working at Chrysler who you were talking it?

Believe it or not, older than me... at least 50-55. Honestly that's maybe what struck me. If he'd been a millennial, I'd have likely disregarded his nonsense.

And if it gives you any hope, just before Christmas I took some millennials from work out to lunch in the '76 Royal Monaco and they were absolutely fascinated with it. Nothing but compliments. Especially the hilarious "fuel pacer" option.
Believe it or not, older than me... at least 50-55. Honestly that's maybe what struck me. If he'd been a millennial, I'd have likely disregarded his nonsense.

And if it gives you any hope, just before Christmas I took some millennials from work out to lunch in the '76 Royal Monaco and they were absolutely fascinated with it. Nothing but compliments. Especially the hilarious "fuel pacer" option.

Actually you would have done well to note what the Millennial said as they will be the driving force in car design and buying in the next decade. It certainly won't be anybody who is 55 and over right at this moment.

Beware the Millennial who finds your car, or any old tech for that matter, as fascinating. There is fascinating in the good sense and fascinating in the sense that I can't believe they used these cars, rotary dial phones, and CRT television.
Actually you would have done well to note what the Millennial said as they will be the driving force in car design and buying in the next decade. It certainly won't be anybody who is 55 and over right at this moment.

Beware the Millennial who finds your car, or any old tech for that matter, as fascinating. There is fascinating in the good sense and fascinating in the sense that I can't believe they used these cars, rotary dial phones, and CRT television.

I get exactly what you're saying.

To go into a bit more detail, one of the millennials was male, and he fell more into the "wow, I can't believe you used to have keys to open the door" category.

The other was female, and quite honestly her work performance, ethic and intelligence impress me. I believe her compliments ("wow, this car is a lot nicer than my economy s-box") seemed quite sincere. But her father is in his 70s, (has a step brother who is almost 50), so there is an X-factor.
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I'm going to throw this in as well, since it's kinda related to the "future" topic.

I'm predicting that in about 20 years, barring some cataclysm; individually-owned, human-driven vehicles will be the norm in rural/exurban areas. As you approach the suburbs, you'll stop at some giant parking lot and transition to an autonomous transport-pod, since human-driven cars won't be allowed in areas with population densities over X number of people per square mile. I should say this is basically my most optimistic, best-case scenario.

Just as is forming now, the great divide will be urban vs. rural. In a way that depresses me, because I've always lived in sort of core/inner/older suburb areas and I like it. But I witness the disappearance of similar values around me... People more and more expect special accommodations, take responsibility for nothing, keep $100 in the bank (if they're lucky), etc. It doesn't bode well for a bunch of single-family housing that now has 3+ generations under the roof. I feel like I'll have to join the march out to what I used to call "bum-f*k-Egypt". Nothing about that pleases me, but I'm seeing handwriting everywhere.
since the last of the boxy gm cars (think late 80s monte carlo ss), cars have evolved into money making widgets. styling is no longer a part of the equation. the majority of younger generations are believers in a throw away society. this includes cars that they view as appliances. notice how the new car commercials are boasting about autonomous driving assist and the latest and greatest stereo system?
if you need a new car and all that is offered are ugly blobs, that's what you are forced to buy.
the market is controlled by the manufacturers.
on a separate but similar note, who was the idiot that decided to run the upper door frames into the roof? i curse them every time i open my door in the winter and get a seat full of snow.