I'd put the $3-$5k into it and drive it. Seems reasonable based on the pictures especially if you can do some of the work. You can buy a lot of fun for $50k.
Chop the **** out of it and add a LS.
Chop the **** out of it and add a LS.
Ross, When we lead 'um to water theirs that percentage that are just gonna pee in it every time before they drink. Logic and good sense just ain't on their plate. Same with butchering a classic. Stay well Pal, JerFix it up to drive and/or sell. Last real year of DeSoto IIANM (only a handful of 61s were assembled before Chrysler pulled the plug on Nov 30 of 1960), and your car is too rare to not preserve as is or restore completely. As for restoring, if it's a survivor I wouldn't touch it to restore it yet from what I can see. It looks too good.
Please, please, please... DO NOT cut it up to make a custom or convertible.