Tomorrow's Weather


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2011
Reaction score
Carlisle, Pa
forecast of 56 and partly sunny.......and I expect to be done for the day and home by 11 am...........hmmmmmm
We've had winter snow warnings. Maybe another 7" of the white crap.

This is getting old.....
tell me abt it.......mid march and a high of 26 on Thursday. Who knows, perhaps we are going into a 10-20 yr cycle of colder than normal winters.
I've started seeing a couple of nice A-bodies on the road in my neighborhood over the past week and I curse at them from behind the wheel of my rusty truck, wtf are you guys thinking??!! There's now a fine salt powder covering the roads and when its dry it gets kicked up behind every car and becomes airborn, its like a flucking nightmare for a car.
7" on tap for tomorrow, just watching them fill all the plow trucks with salt. This should get us the record for most snow in a winter season here in Detroit.
tell me abt it.......mid march and a high of 26 on Thursday. Who knows, perhaps we are going into a 10-20 yr cycle of colder than normal winters.

Blame it on Al Gore:yes_no:

Keep in mind the difference between climate and weather. All the snow and cold weather in part of the country hasn't made up for the unusual warm weather in the rest of the country. Alaska almost didn't have enough snow for the Ididarod; we're crazy hot here. Also, keep in mind that this winter hasn't actually been that cold, as an average thing, even on the storm-hit east coast. Not nearly the coldest on record.

And don't forget the record high temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere. You know, the part of the world that is tilted towards the sun right now?
If you think this winter hasn't been that cold, you weren't paying attention to the upper Midwest.
Got up yesterday and herez this poor dam squirrel standin' on hiz haunchez in the white crap on my patio holdin' up ah sigh that said: Please tell me when spring iz gonna get here, I GOTTA KNOW WHEN MY NUTZ ARE GONNA THAW OUT!
Don't tell us it has not been cold here, this is the coldest winter I can remember since 1977. We typically get a thaw each month 3-4 days in a row above freezing this year if it popped above 32 for a few hours it was a day to savor.
across the pond: Here in europe it was one of the mildest winters ever. One half day with a few snow flakes in the morning which melted till lunch. That was it with snow this winter. Despite that: unusual warm weather, no salt on the roads and temperatures in the 70s last weekend (usually these are temperatures for may overhere).
Sorry Dave but I took her out today anyway......put abt 16 miles on her. Ran good exc for the carb thing still acting up, and there is a noise from the back, sounds like the exhaust vibrating.

went against my usual idea and left the top up but still got a lot of looks anyway...people aren't sick of seeing the old cars yet like they are come Sept
Both Nessie and Big Bee have been out twice so far in as many weeks. That's after being in hibernation most of January and February. Felt real good to turn the wheels.
Got up to 80* and sunny today, rain and 61* for tomorrow. Drove the '68 Dodge D100 to work for the first time today, after finishing a LOT of work on it over the past month - all four brakes, master cyl, complete dual exhaust system, spring bushings and new battery.

It's only the second time it's been out since I traded for it a year ago, so it felt good to get it out and DRIVE it!