Severe Thunderstorm Warning from about 100 miles away. I-96 East, just outside Lansing MI, looking North easterly about 7 pm TODAY.
Had just heard on my radio a several thunderstorm warning in the Caro Michigan area (thumb region). I snapped this pic minutes later.
again I was about ~ 100 miles away, so it was looking like 15K ft cloud tops (i'd guess), NOT a spectacular storm but 60 mph winds, heavy rain, maybe tiny hail.
I presume the cell on the left (a bit more billowy) was the bad guy here.
Eclipse day. There's another shot at this in 2024 btw, And 2-3 times a year there's one somewhere in the world.
Say, if any of you folks are in the totality path, AND you're out viewing (SAFELY -- dont look at it without eye protection, dont point an ordinary camera at it either, etc.) the event, see if you can get some shots?
NOT necessarily of the Sun itself, BUT its gonna get dark in the middle of the day ... that'll be cool too cuz itll happen kinda fast. Hey videos are cool too if so inclined.
oh, and even IF you are not at an event .. its gonna happen anyway if you're in the path, so whip out that cell phone if you can and get some cool shots of whats going on around you.