The engine and trans are out of the car now, and I'm cleaning up as much crud as I can and replacing worn/broken bits and pieces as I go. I've never dealt with a C-body transmission cross member before - does everything here look like it should?
Engine_and_Transmission_Details by clair_davis, on Flickr
Specifically, is the curve in the end of the crossmember correct? Seems like it was meant to be that way, but I don't have anything to compare to.
Engine_and_Transmission_Details by clair_davis, on Flickr
The mount itself appears to have moved on to greener pastures some time ago...
Engine_and_Transmission_Details by clair_davis, on Flickr
Is a stock-type rubber replacement OK for the transmission, or is there a better option out there? Not sure I want a hard polyurethane mount, but would like something fairly secure if I happen to pound on the car from time to time. I've got DynaTech MityMounts for the engine already, so that end of the drivetrain should be secure.
Specifically, is the curve in the end of the crossmember correct? Seems like it was meant to be that way, but I don't have anything to compare to.
The mount itself appears to have moved on to greener pastures some time ago...
Is a stock-type rubber replacement OK for the transmission, or is there a better option out there? Not sure I want a hard polyurethane mount, but would like something fairly secure if I happen to pound on the car from time to time. I've got DynaTech MityMounts for the engine already, so that end of the drivetrain should be secure.