TTI Exhaust on Imperial

Judging by engine location in proximity to the firewall, I would bet it fits. I think the engines sit back in the stub further in relation to the suspension and the steering idler and pitman are longer for oil pan clearance (both referenced in comparison to the c body stub). That's my best guess.
I had Accurate build me a set.
They were perfect except the whole system seemed to be 2" too far back from front to rear.
I called them and talked about it.
He bent the system for a Chrysler.
I had a Fury with exactly 2" less of wheelbase.
Solution: Remove two inches in exhaust pipe and it was a perfect fit.
So you might have to cut or add a few inches.

By the way, two weeks later.
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I don't know for sure but I think the engine sits higher in an Imp. good luck and ten customers might be a bit high
I would think an extension tube would be an easy piece to fabricate. Any muffler shop could cut and swedge a tube if you know what the length is. TTI would probably do it. if they thought it might broaden their customer range.