Uber self driving cars and you.

Cantflip, Typically, on injury cases the attorney get's 1/3 of the settlement + expenses incurred. Some states use a sliding scale for attorney's fees so that, for example, the attorney would only get 20% of any award over $5 million.

I have seen figures that put around 20% of all drivers in the US do not have insurance. In addition, there is a very high percentage of drivers that have insurance that only carry the state's minimum injury liability limit which can range from $15k to $25k which is peanuts. Think about how much income you would loose if a not your fault auto accident put you out of work for six-months. This is why you need to buy high Uninsured/Underinsured motorist insurance limits along with a stacking option if available in your state.

An article in the Hartford Courant six or so months ago on jury awards on cell phone use related accidents talked about million dollar awards on cases that would normally get an award that was 10 - 20 % of a million.

Collecting can be a big problem as most people today carry auto injury liability limits of $100k/$300k, which is grossly inadequate and was the recommended limit back in the mid 1980's. While it is unlikely that the average driver would have enough insurance coverage for a $1 million award, many attorneys will go after your assets and at the very least file a judgment against you, which means this will be on your credit report and you won't be able to get credit.

My n**s are generally in my throat with any other PERSON driving. I couldn't even consider getting into a self driving vehicle.
I'm not interested in a $$$ settlement as much as a show trial that may make people think twice about some of this tech in cars. The companies won't go broke but the idiot driver filing bankruptcy trying to pay lawyer fees might get someones attention.
We have Uber Volvo's self driving here in Pittsburgh area god help you if you get stuck behind one. It will make following a city bus or garbage truck seem pleasurable.
I 100% agree with the previous statement about self driving semi trucks, not only because my livelihood depends on one, having a 40+ ton truck making a non emotional decision between you and that bright yellow school bus that may not even have a single child on it. If one does hit you who are you suing, a giant corporation, good luck with that, they will outlived you and your heirs, or they will fold up, and grow anew someplace else.
Intermodal transportation make 100 times more sense than trying to get a truck to drive across the country by itself on the roads and all the variables. Who is checking the load enroute, is it going to fall off and squish you like a grape, is it going to leak out and contaminate the road, water, you. Who is pre-tripping the truck and trailer spotting cracked wheels or separating tires before they come apart in the lane next to you. Are they just going to stop on the shoulder of a crowded road and send a email for road service because the turnsignal is out (it is a red tag offense with mandatory out of service), or does it make a decision to break federal law and continue without it or at a minimum, make a desicion that a large vehicle on the side of the road in that spot is dangerous to others. If it does stop, who puts out the safety triangles or flares at night. With one hundred containers on a train not on the road it is solving a congestion problem also. Talk about getting so caught up in a idea that you can't see the absurdity of the end result.
Self driving cars will happen. Most people can't stand driving now but don't want to take public transportation because the schedule or crowd.
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We have Uber Volvo's self driving here in Pittsburgh area god help you if you get stuck behind one. It will make following a city bus or garbage truck seem pleasurable.
I 100% agree with the previous statement about self driving semi trucks, not only because my livelihood depends on one, having a 40+ ton truck making a non emotional decision between you and that bright yellow school bus that may not even have a single child on it. If one does hit you who are you suing, a giant corporation, good luck with that, they will outlived you and your heirs, or they will fold up, and grow anew someplace else.
Intermodal transportation make 100 times more sense than trying to get a truck to drive across the country by itself on the roads and all the variables. Who is checking the load enroute, is it going to fall off and squish you like a grape, is it going to leak out and contaminate the road, water, you. Who is pre-tripping the truck and trailer spotting cracked wheels or separating tires before they come apart in the lane next to you. Are they just going to stop on the shoulder of a crowded road and send a email for road service because the turnsignal is out (it is a red tag offense with mandatory out of service), or does it make a decision to break federal law and continue without it or at a minimum, make a desicion that a large vehicle on the side of the road in that spot is dangerous to others. If it does stop, who puts out the safety triangles or flares at night. With one hundred containers on a train not on the road it is solving a congestion problem also. Talk about getting so caught up in a idea that you can't see the absurdity of the end result.
Self driving cars will happen. Most people can't stand driving now but don't want to take public transportation because the schedule or crowd.

You see problems, I see opportunity.

For a number of years large aircraft have been fully capable of using auto pilot to takeoff, cruise and land virtually regardless of the weather. So why does everyone have a pilot and copilot, just along for the ride? Or could it be that no airport is willing to risk a crash shutdown, or maybe because nobody would fly with them.

I suggest major AI advances must happen, to the point where you can converse with the AI without realizing you are talking to a bucket of bolts.
And now they're racist...

Study finds a potential risk with self-driving cars: failure to detect dark-skinned pedestrians

A new study finds a potential risk with self-driving cars: failure to detect dark-skinned pedestrians
The findings speak to a bigger problem in the development of automated systems: algorithmic bias.

I wonder if AI has developed it own algorithm for a "Natural Selection" process? If there is a dark skinned bias I wonder if that would also extend to dark colored tree trunks and telephone poles. This tech has a long way to go before it perfected, in the mean time the public is the test guinea pig.


Tesla Model 3 Drives Straight Into Overturned Truck In What Seems To Be Autopilot Failure

"Tesla Model 3 Drives Straight Into Overturned Truck In What Seems To Be Autopilot Failure

Earlier today, on Taiwan’s National Highway 1 near the Zhongshan High Chiayi Water Section, a Tesla Model 3 crashed right smack into the roof of an overturned truck trailer. It appears that the wreck was caused by the Tesla’s Autopilot system not detecting the large rectangular object right in front of it, in broad daylight and clear weather. We have seen Autopilot failures like thisbefore, especially ones involving large, immobile objects.

There’s video of the wreck, and you can see the Tesla drives right into the truck, with only what looks like a solitary attempt at braking just before impact:"

Oddly enough, this is exactly what happens in the first episode of Amazon's Upload series. eerie.