There for, he has traveled to the future and has no way of returning.
Yes, in effect. Brother 1 has NOT aged the way his twin has. The Twin Paradox, or time dilation.
Brother 2 that stayed on Earth, along WITH the Earth and everything on it, has moved into the future, RELATIVE to Brother 1.
Brother 2 and Brother 1 will NOT feel any different as the time WHERE THEY ARE passes. 1-2 years will pass for Brother 1 normally, just like 60 years will pass on Earth for BRother 2 normally.
Its in the equations. We cannot "prove it" with a human because we cannot achieve 'relativistic" (near light) speeds.
The USS Enterprise can't go light speed either (else it becomes infinitely massive). "Warp drive" folds space, REDUCING the distance between any two points IN space, EFFECTIVELY simulating FASTER THAN LIGHT travel (e.g, Warp 9 is EQUIVALENT to 1,500X the speed of light.) So they don't have this time dilation problem when they come back to Earth.

I asked an astronomer once: How does a cell in Brother 1's body (the one in the rocket) KNOW NOT to turn his hair gray or wriinkle his skin? In other words, how does his BODY know its being accelerated, relative to WHERE it was before it took off, and THEREFORE, it WONT age as fast?
Her answer was UN-satisfying. She just parroted the formulas I already know that indicate TIME has to pass more slowly for Brother 1.
I argued but "cells arent intelligent you crazy b- .. lady!" She basically said "Oh yeah, and you're not that smart either you ignorant mothe- .. man"!
So i didnt talk to her anymore
Now this young lady is pretty smart. Hard concept, easily explained without the fancy math.
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