We bought a house


Old Man with a Hat
Aug 24, 2013
Reaction score
Kingston, Mi
I haven't been on the site much lately because I have been busy prepping to move and everything that goes with it. It's a 3 bedroom ranch, 1 3/4 bath, full basement. Sits on 2 acres, farm fields around me, no garage but a shed. I will get pic's and update soon.

I have to finish getting a few small things from the other house and clean it. There is also a couple of small things to repair.
Congratulations, Robin and I just finished the home inspection on our new house. We close April 27th if everything goes correctly with this virus crap. The houses where we are at are going like hotcakes because so many people are leaving Illinois.
Sounds great! Best of luck with it.:thumbsup:
best news i've heard all day. remember, when you build the garage, it's 13ft ceiling height for the lift. very best of luck to you and yours from your fellow mechanic, SG.
Congrats and enjoy the new place! Hope the surrounding area grows just grass and not new houses.

Maate, I'm in Australia, we have similar problems here as you do to worry about so I don't get much time to watch Illinois news. However I suppose though your eluding to the c of a virus epidemic!
Maate, I'm in Australia, we have similar problems here as you do to worry about so I don't get much time to watch Illinois news. However I suppose though your eluding to the c of a virus epidemic!

FCBO doesn't show locations on my device. Australia huh? That explains why you are unaware.
Hi Trainteck, I have a friend who lives in Illinois, why is everybody leaving?
Well Dick, it is like this, Illinois has the absolute crookedest politicians, with the Chicago area being the worst in the state. Like many places they have money problems, but their only cure is to raise taxes. When I moved to Indiana five years ago, my cost of living dropped by 2/3, (and I am only three miles from the border).The sad thing why I moved is I could not afford living their anymore on my pension. In the last six years over 650,000 people have moved into the surrounding states of, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and it is getting worse. I hope things are better down under.