Welcome, snow

Thank you very much for the positive comments from all you folks. Ment to P.M. that to Chris but just blabbed it out so figured WTH, let it fly? We met on the 15th of October and tied the knot 10 weeks later in the 29th of December 1962. When you know you just know. And she's still the best thing that haz happened to me in my life time, Jer
That warms my heart Jer. You 2 are very lucky to have found each other. I think I can relate, the first time I was in the same room as Jeannie there was some crazy chemistry. I almost couldn’t breathe.
That warms my heart Jer. You 2 are very lucky to have found each other. I think I can relate, the first time I was in the same room as Jeannie there was some crazy chemistry. I almost couldn’t breathe.

Happened to me to. The first time I met Ellie in person was the first day of the rest of my life.
Thank you very much for the positive comments from all you folks. Ment to P.M. that to Chris but just blabbed it out so figured WTH, let it fly? We met on the 15th of October and tied the knot 10 weeks later in the 29th of December 1962. When you know you just know. And she's still the best thing that haz happened to me in my life time, Jer

Congrats on #57 Jer!! :thumbsup:
I have been blessed twice. It was love at first sight for my first wife Annie and I. We were walking on air for 35 years and 3 wonderful kids until cancer took her from us.
Then I met Julie and had those same feelings come rushing back and I could stand straight again. She's perfectly wonderful.
Cherish every breath with your spouse and never take them for granted. Love them like it's the beginning of your life all over, every day. Congrats to you and your lovely wife, Jerry!
Today in Wisconsin.....

Here’s the fake snow picture I sent my frozen older brother in Colorado.




The snowman is real. I brought some of the white stuff home from the wrong side of the mountains.


Gonna be a chilly week here...(shown in F to help out)

Screenshot_2020-01-11 Calgary, AB - 7 Day Forecast - Environment Canada.png

and the difference in temps for the same date 10 years apart...
That's 58F and -39.5F

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A light dusting is occurring in Blue Earth Minnesota, and I get to change oil!